Percy XII

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Hi guys. I just got back to school and I started my GCSEs so everything's a bit crazy at the moment. I'll be honest, I didn't really know how to write this chapter. I'd already put it off for a long time so I guess it excuses the short chapter (sort of). I didn't want to write Percy's memories yet because I want to make it more climatic. Then...who knows?

DISCLAIMER: There is some heavy stuff in here like abuse and swearing. So be warned!!

Leave a comment xxx


Percy POV: Chapter 12


Oh, no.

Percy cleared his throat. It filled the silence. He didn't want to grind his teeth because then they would all know that he was angry. They would all be scared. Not unlike now. He saw the...last memory and he didn't like how indecisive he looked when he stopped. He didn't like how he didn't react at first when Annabeth screamed for him to stop. He didn't like how in nearly all of her memories, it was he who got them into that mess.

"Damn, now I know not to get on your nerves!" Leo exclaimed.

More silence. It almost made Percy cringe except he had the self-control to hold his expression still. It seems Leo did not.

"Too soon?"

Hazel winced, "just a bit. Annabeth,'re okay."

Percy watched Annabeth's back snap straighter. He recognised her poker face, something he was so used to before they started dating. Usually, Percy admired her determination - against Chiron, Clarisse and even Thalia - but he couldn't focus properly when she wasn't looking at him. Percy wasn't sure whether it was his ADHD or how everyone kept glances uneasy glances his way that made him fidget relentlessly. Percy felt his insides dying slowly the longer Annabeth refused his gaze. Staring had become their only form of communication. It was a contest of sorts and winning came at a price, it made him feel safe. He felt anything but safe. In the toxicity of the moment, Percy may have accidentally clenched his fist a couple of times, not helping the stares burning into him. He was worried. Worried that the fire that lights within him needs no more than a spark to set it ablaze. He remembered after...the mix up with Akhlys the fire burnt him out so badly there was nothing left but a shell, an outline of a person.

Annabeth blinked her glossy eyes a couple of times, in the process hitting Percy right in the heart, before replying with no trace of a waver in her voice. "Perfectly, fine." She looked right at Percy, perhaps trying to calm his jittery nerves or maybe as an act of civility. Percy wasn't 100% sure. "You're up next."

Percy couldn't open his mouth to reply.


His mouth was filled with sand as he desperately tried to spit out his words.

The seven observed the Son of Poseidon with the gazes of strangers, that aloof judgement with no strings. Percy hated this. Hated them. Percy really didn't want to think ill of them, but with their curiosity pulsing through their gazes instead of any goddamn sympathy.


Just stop.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm good." He paused, "I guess it's my turn." He put on a fake smile to hide how much he hurt. No matter how much it's your fault, Percy thought.

"Do you want to go first?" Jason offered.

Instead of lowering his head and avoiding his gaze, he lifted it, a stony glare carved into his eyes. He tried to soften it. He

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