Hazel XIII

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Hi guys! I'm sorry this took so long. I think from now on I'm going to change my updates from 1 a week to 2 because I'm finding it challenging to keep up. Although, there's only like three more chapters to go so it doesn't really matter. Thank you for all your support and don't hate on Annabeth too much lmao.

Please leave a comment and vote! xxx


Hazel POV:

"I'm sorry?"

Hazel could hear water dripping somewhere in the cave, the echoes filling the silence of the group. Annabeth's silver eyes were aflame as she watched Percy.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Poor Percy.

Why does this always have to happen? Maybe Hazel wasn't as experienced as all of the other demigods but she knew this wasn't normal. The tense silences, the anger, the fights.

Hazel could see everyone, including herself, avoiding the Son of Poseidon and Daughter of Athena who were standing off much like those old cowboy films that Leo showed her. Annabeth's eyes stood out dramatically against the dull walls whilst Percy's were red and pained. He seemed drained of all energy.

"Why didn't you tell me? Tell me any of this."

Percy laughed. Actually, maybe it wasn't a laugh. It was more of a cry as Hazel watched Percy avoid her gaze. It made Hazel's spin shiver and twitch. There was something in that shout, a pain behind it. Hazel watched. She watched Percy's eyes. Then she knew. The anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out grenades, scared for his life, lonely, desperate. He breathed in real slow.

"You're acting like a child."

"I'm acting like a child?"

"Yes! I don't understand why you're like this!"

"I'm angry that you didn't tell me! I thought we were a team!"

"We're not the same person, Beth! I don't have to tell you everything about my shitty life."

Annabeth took a threatening step forward, her teeth bared, "Don't. Call. Me. "Beth"."

Percy ran a hand through his hair. "Is that really the most important thing at the moment?"

"For Gods' sake, Percy!"

Percy threw his arms down, eyes aflame. Hazel was struck by how similar he looked to Mars. True, they weren't father and son but back in Camp Jupiter Mars captured everyone's attention with a flick of his hand and his burning red gaze. Percy held everyone's attention now too. Hazel felt like an undertaker watching a man being swallowed by a shark.

Annabeth clasped Percy's limp hand in hers, leaning forward precariously. "Why didn't you tell me about Gabe? Or the Arai. Or any of the other moments when I could've helped you."

"I don't need to be babied. And I certainly don't have to be reminded of him."

Hazel held onto Percy's arm. She needed to help in some way. Piper did the same with Annabeth, only pulling her back slightly. "Let's just cool down."

Annabeth quickly shook Piper off. "Get off me." She turned to the group, each speechless, "You all need to butt out."

"We're your friends." Leo pointed out.

Annabeth chuckled, "We're not friends. We're simply people forced on a quest together. These memories have only made me realise how little I know all of you."

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