Jason XI

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Hi guys! This is quite a long chapter so I'm sorry it took a little bit of time to get out! 


Please don't forget to comment and vote!

Alsoooo, I looked through all of your thoughts (Thank you to all of those who commented!) and I don't know if I can write everyone's POV and I don't want to do Annabeth's because she's going to be in basically all of them. But, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!!!!

Jason POV: Chapter 11

Jason slipped his hand into Piper's. The seven were all standing back catching their breath. The most notable demigod that was trying to control her breathing was Annabeth. Once again, a door moulded from the walls in front of them. This door, dust shifting in the air as it appeared, glowed with a grey light. Faint enough for it to be missed by someone who wasn't looking but for everyone nervously walking forward to go in, it wasn't a great sign. The door had an owl emblem on top that seemed to stare straight at Jason. Shivers ran down his spine as he not too fondly remembered Annabeth's recount of her solo quest. Not his favourite. Athena always seemed like the most intimidating to Jason - including his dad. Of course, he hadn't met her, but from what he knows about mythology and Annabeth and Percy's adventures, she wasn't the nicest of the gods. As Jason thought of Athena's betrayal to Annabeth, his lip curled and his nostrils flared. It wasn't uncommon to feel anger towards the Gods but knowing the Gods - Athena - did nothing to help her child, made his mind feel as if lead were coursing through it instead of blood. He averted his gaze off the door. He couldn't bear to look that way, because if Jason did make contact he thought he might vomit. Disgust. Total disgust. Jason felt Percy next to him square up his shoulders and take a deep breath. It's no denying that Annabeth and Percy had the hardest journeys compared to the rest of the seven. Of course, he doesn't think that thinking you caused your mother's death isn't terrible, but...but they had seen some things.

Hesitantly, Annabeth stepped forward and cleared her throat, fiddling with her camp necklace. "Well, we better get this out of the way," she announced, grey eyes jumping to each of them separately, lingering on Percy slightly. "In each of the different memories, the conditions were the same; cold in Alaska, musty in the attic, hot in the forges. There's no doubt that we'll be down in...T-Tartarus. No skating around it. My memories will be from down there. And so it's only right to tell you what to expect so you don't choke in surprise."

"Annabeth..." Green eyes bore into grey. He frowned, eyebrows furrowing. His expression was hard to decipher but his eyes gave it all away; fear.

"Percy, it doesn't matter. It-it doesn't matter. To Hades with it." She turned back towards the rest of the demigods - including Jason - who have all seemed to step back to give the pair some privacy. She probably thinks we're idiots, Jason though, like that will help.

Clearing her throat once more, left eye twitching slightly, "the air down there is toxic. It was made to kill, to burn your lungs from the inside out. But, it's for a slow death. It takes time. I'm sure Epiales won't let us...be badly injured. He needs us alive." She took a breath. "The smell has something to do with your bad memories, some time or someone you hate. You'll see what it looks like when we come to it but let me offer you all advice; short shallow breaths are going to kill you. Take slow but not deep. Regulate your breathing."

Jason saw Hazel give Frank a wary look while Piper and Leo just looked at her and Percy with pity. Poorly concealed pity. Jason knew to not make a deal out of it in an attempt to not provoke the couple. Pushing out her arms and cracking her fingers, Annabeth walked forward and pushed open the door, the rest of the seven following close behind her. She quickly stomped on the plate and the room, identical to all the others, filled with the mist and started to form. Jason saw Annabeth's breath hitch and Percy's calloused hand slip into hers as they stood in the most suburban home Jason had ever seen.

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