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Hi guys! I'm going to write in the next few days instead of a week to catch up on lost time. I'm so sorry for being so late with updates. I went on a camping trip with my friends so I couldn't work. 

I'll be better! 

Please leave a comment and thank you all for your support!!!! xxx

Leo POV: Chapter 7

Okay...okay. It's over. Leo took a deep breath. He didn't want to see his Mother's...what he did- the police- Festus. No. Leo knew that demigods don't exactly have happy lives so what's one more. He doesn't matter. People are dying---have died. Leo is lucky. If anything, Leo felt guilty. In his short sixteen years, he's brought so much pain and danger. What he had done he could not un-do to his Mother. He could make amends in subtle ways, but confession was out of the question, even to his priests. Although, it's not like they don't know that he accidentally killed his mother. It's fine--He's fine. In the end he--

"Leo?" Piper asked tentatively, "Are you good?"

Leo directed his gaze back up from the rocky ground and forced a grin on his face. "Shut up, Mclean. Let's just get to the next room."

Percy snorted, more like a heavy exhale, "yeah, man."

Glancing to the next door, the group shuffled forwards. It seemed as if everyone was a bit uncomfortable around each other. Annabeth and Jason each had deep creases in their foreheads whilst the rest, including Leo, clutched their weapons awkwardly as they approached the newest door in the cavern. Leo still felt slightly funny. In his memories, the temperatures changed often. One point his face was nearly melting off him and the next the frostbitten wind nipped at his cheeks and nose. A heavy silence settled over them, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching other glances that passed by. Leo could tell that Piper was trying to get his eye but he just didn't need her sympathy. He didn't need anyone. The newest door was clearly in the shape of a lightning bolt. Blue licks of light flowed through the indentations, it made Leo wonder how long these doors have been here.

Jason sighed heavily. The seven shuffled their feet against the dirt of the floor, awkwardly tracing the outlines of each lone stone while daring anyone to speak. Jason walked towards the door as if it were any other, keeping it open for the others to pass through. Chivalry is not dead, Leo thought. Jason grabbed his wrist as Leo walked past. He was so on edge it was a wonder that he didn't torch his bro. Then Jason smiled. There was kindness in his smile, a gentleness that made Leo feel immediately better. Like he had his back.

Leo cleared his throat. "Get ready man. It kinda sucks."

"Oh, I don't doubt it."

Leo felt himself wink as he slipped past and settle himself among the rest of the group that was gathered around the plate.

Leo really hated these rooms.

Without wasting any time, Jason marched up to the plate and stepped down. Leo felt like he should've been expecting an explosion or something by the way everyone was glancing around. Then the room once again filled up with the familiar smoke and Leo held his breath.

Leo found himself in a dense forest. The sky was pitch black but it wouldn't have mattered anyway as the trees covered up their sight overhead. A child's cries could be heard echoing through the dense bush. Leo would be lying if he said he didn't find it creepy in any way. It was as if the Gods had adjusted the colours of the world in the night like it was as easy as twisting one of those old plastic dials on a TV set. All the colours were muted greys and blacks, only illuminated by a few streaks of strong moonlight. The bare branches spiked into the sky - no sign of life to be found anywhere. It was so dark the group was barely able to see where they were going. The ground underneath them blurred, pushing them closer and closer to the sounds of crying. There were only small sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind. Leo didn't know what laid in the dark forest, all he knew was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful journey. They approached the source of the noise. It was a toddler - no older than maybe three? - clutched in the arms of a woman. She was dressed in black robes. Her face was hooded, but her eyes glowed in the darkness. Over her shoulders, she wore an animal skin cloak. Leo didn't know what type of animal it was but he could take a guess and think it was goat or sheep. She was holding a toddler-sized bundled of flailing limbs and ghoulish shrieks. Out the top of the blanket was a tuft of blonde hair and almost glowing electric blue eyes.

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