Annabeth XIV

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*comes back with a drink and snacks* heyyyyyyyyyy guysssss....

I'm so sorry for the YEAR LONG BREAK. I had so much stuff and I'm so sorry it took me this long to complete. To be honest, GCSEs are really kicking my ass so I just wanted to finish this so I didn't have any guilt on my conscience lmao.

I honestly, can't thank you all enough for actually reading this shit and bearing with me for so long.

This is a really short chapter because I want to get to the bulk in someone else's POV and stuff.


Annabeth POV: Chapter 14

Annabeth supposed it was a bit cliche to say that it was silent but there was no other way to describe it.

The cave was silent. No one took a breath even though she could see Percy's chest heaving. The water that slowly dripped from the ceiling seemed to suspend in the middle of the air - although Annabeth wouldn't exactly put it past Percy at this point to be freezing it. Beating like a drum, her heart made the most noise that she could register.

Her grey eyes scoured the scene; it was built in at this point to immediately locate any danger. Her sight focused on Percy. His figure was frozen, muscles bulging and rife with tension.

Yes, Annabeth loves him with all her heart. They grew up together, they shared their pain and heartbreak together. What Annebth wouldn't give to return to the days when it was just them and Camp half-blood, the sun raining down on them like they were on Olympus. But, logically, Percy was a threat.

One couldn't exactly get away with stabbing a god. (There was that time with Ares, though.)

Maybe today was the day that Annabeth realized that Percy's insides were curdling like milk. That he was the acid that would otherwise be calm and safe like, ironically, water.

No. Percy was good.

Percy was good.

He was good. He saved Olympus, once, and they'll do it again together. Like the good old days. 

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