Hazel V

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Hazel POV:

Percy's water hand dropped them off on a rocky edge, licks of salt water slamming against the walls creating a thick mist. Hazel would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. Hazel didn't want to chew on her nails or lips, it was one of the few things that stuck with her since her mother. So she found herself gnawing on the inside of her cheek. It seemed like everyone else was just as anxious as she was, each of their faces lined with worry. Soon the taste of blood filled Hazel's mouth. She heard a splash back at the argo and not two seconds later Percy appeared on the ledge. Sunlight framed him from behind and if she didn't know any better, she'd think he was a dark haired Apollo. Hazel saw Annabeth unsheath her knife, setting her face to "casual indifference." Frank slipped his hand into Hazel's, squeezing gently. The fear travelled in Hazel's veins but never made it to her facial muscles or skin as she made a conscious decision to stay strong. She looked around the group. They all seemed slightly grey and frail (from the lack of sleep) but in each of their eyes, determination was set in stone.

"We should go." Annabeth stepped forward, Percy's fingers laced between hers.

"Leo, will the Argo stay here?" Piper asked, shifting to face the jittery Leo.

"It should stay here provided nothing attacks. I'm more worried about the creepy door that we're about to walk through." He said pointing towards the large stone wall that was protruding into the face of the cliff. The rock platform they were all standing on was becoming increasingly less stable - Hazel could sense it. The weird thing is, she couldn't tell what was past the door. The door was solid rock. Nothing was going to budge it. The surface was flat and rough like the outside of a stainless steel refrigerator. There was no handle, no lock, no hinges, nothing to get a grip on. Intricate symbols of Pluto were etched along the sides and it eerily reminded Hazel of the doors of death. Evidently, Percy had the same thought as he gave it a terrifying glare.

"Hmmm," Jason ran his fingers across the door, the other hand scratching his chin. "Hazel, can you try and open the door?"

She nodded feeling her heartbeat speed up. Hazel let out a breath feeling six pairs of eyes focused on the back of her head. She stepped forward and placed her palm flat on the smooth surface. Her palms seemed to warm up and she wasn't sure if she was hallucinating the golden glow from her hands.

Hazel gasped, pain shooting up her arm as the door creaked open. She fell backwards into Percy and Jason. She tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through her right arm and colorful spots flashed in front of her eyes.

"-zel. Hazel!" Shouted Piper who was kneeling in front of her and offering a square of ambrosia. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Hazel took the square and swallowed thickly. "I-I'm fine. We need to go, the fl-floor isn't s-stable."

Soon enough Hazel was gently lifted by Jason and Percy onto her feet. Annabeth passed through the door first, dagger at the ready. Piper, Jason, Leo and Percy following on.

Frank took her hand once more and let out a hesitant smile. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

Hazel passed through the door hearing it slam shut behind her, its creaking noise bringing a chill to her spine. It sounded like some dying animal, crying out its pain and sorrow with its last breath.

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