Logan's POV
The flight wasn't terrible, and luckily none of our luggage was lost. That had happened before when we were traveling to California for a magazine shoot about a year ago.
The hotel was about a 20-minute drive from the airport. They chose the hotel that was closest to the company headquarters so Dad would not have to travel far.
After about five minutes of silence in the car, my Dad decided to speak.
"Since I do not have to go into work until Thursday, we will be visiting your school tomorrow to do a tour and make sure they received all of your transcripts."
"Okay," I said while looking out the window. Jonah was right about Texas being flat.
"I think you're going to like it here Logan. Who knows, maybe you will find someone better than Cole. God I hope you do," he said as he mumbled the last part.
"I thought you said no boys?"
"Who knows what the future has in store," he says while looking at me and smiling.
"Ready to see your new school?" My dad asked.
"Ready as I will ever be I guess," I said as we stepped out of the rental car.
On the outside of the school was giant letters in black that said CALVARY HIGH SCHOOL. We walked through some pillars and pushed a button to request entrance.
"Name and reason for visit," a female voice said on the intercom.
"Logan and David Anderson for a school tour," my Dad said.
"Once entering, please take a right and visit the front office," the voice said, and then the door unlatching was heard.
After going through two sets of double doors, my Dad and I both went into the front office, where we were welcomed by a very young woman behind the desk.
"New student tour?" She asked with a questioning look as we both nodded, "Can you both please sign in to the logbook, grab a visitor's pass and then clip it to your shirt?"
After filling in our information, a very tall, older lady with brown hair and pale skin came from behind a different door.
"Logan?" She questioned, and I nodded, "I am Mrs. Ruth, your guidance counselor here at Calvary. If you come into my office, we can talk about a couple of things before I have one of my students take you on a tour."
After clipping the visitors passes to our shirts, we followed Mrs. Ruth through the door she came from and down a short hallway. At the end of the hall was an office with her name on it.
"So," she said as we all sat down and she shut her door, "You have stellar grades and have already picked out your classes, the only question I have involves basketball."
"Okay," I said, looking at her questioningly, "What is it?"
"I am going to admit it, I looked you up online and you are very popular in the world of basketball, and quite the player I must say. Girl, you have so many Division I offers for college, I cannot even count them on my fingers and toes!" She said, chuckling and setting all the papers down on her desk.
Once I realized what she was talking about, I blushed and chuckled. It always feels good to get praise, especially from someone you don't even know.
"Are you playing basketball here? And have you picked a college yet?" She asked as she clasped her hands together and put her elbows on her desk.
"Well, I haven't figured out college yet, and I plan to play basketball here, but I have to make the team first," I said as I leaned back in the chair.

The Move
قصص عامةLogan Anderson is the highest-ranked five-star recruit in the United States for high school basketball. She is also about to start her senior year. What happens when her father's job changes suddenly, and they are forced to leave her home state of N...