20 - sweetheart

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Alex's POV

Logan hadn't stopped smiling since we pulled into the arena parking lot, and I think it's the most I have ever seen her smile since I have known her.

I knew she had had a shitty week, and I just wanted to make it better, and I had also learned that she has been struggling with her college decisions.

As she sat there and people approached her to talk to her, I never tried to butt in or say anything. I just sat back and watched.

I also never fully realized how popular she was. Of course, she was verified on Instagram, was on ESPN probably once a week, and had multiple people asking for interviews, but it was just amazing to see all the people who looked up to her.

It was amazing to see how genuine and friendly she was to everyone. It was never an act, and sometimes I wondered how I am with someone so perfect.

I am so in love with this girl, and she doesn't even know.

"Are you okay? You zoned out for a little bit," Logan said as she looked at me and rubbed her thumb on my hand.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just watching you work," I said with a smile on my face.

"I'm sorry I don't introduce you as often. I should probably do that more," she said as she scrunched her eyebrows, a mechanism she does when she is sorry.

"No, baby, don't worry about it. Just keep doing what you're doing," I said as I leaned over and kissed her cheek. I felt her smile, and I saw her small dimple that always appears.

"The game is about to start anyway, so I think we should be in the clear," she said as she shuffled in her seat and leaned forward.

Oh, sweetheart, you're not in the clear just yet.

"Yeah, you definitely should be," I said as I shifted in my seat.

I saw her side-eye me, "Why did you just fidget? I thought this was everything?"

I smiled, "Well, not everything."

Logan looked at me, "I hate you so much right now, Easton."

"No, you don't, Anderson," I said with a smile on my face as we both looked forward towards the court. I saw one of the older announcers walk out on to the court with a notecard and a microphone in his hand.

"Welcome to Baylor University for tonight's men's basketball game!" His voice boomed through the arena, "Baylor would like to thank all of you for coming out tonight and supporting our men's basketball team, but there is a certain someone that the school would like to introduce and give a warm Baylor introduction too."

I gave a small side glance to Logan, and she was already side-eyeing me with a slight grin on her face.

"Mrs. Logan Anderson, the top-ranked girl's high school basketball player in the nation, is sitting in the stands watching our game tonight. If you haven't heard of Ms. Anderson or seen any of her plays on social media or the Internet, you are missing out," the man talking then looks over at us and makes eye contact with Logan.

"Ah, now I have spotted her. Stand up, Ms. Anderson, so that everyone can see you!" The man said with a smile on his face as he was looking at Logan. She just smiled and stood up out of her chair and waved to everyone who has now erupted in cheers for her.

"Baylor happens to be one of her prospective schools, so let's continue to give her a warm Baylor welcome. I hope everyone enjoys the game and that Ms. Anderson has enjoyed her time here," the man said as the arena got louder with claps and cheers. The people around us were now shaking Logan's hand, and people who were close enough were waving at her.

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