12 - lightweight

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Logan's POV

"You ready for your first Calvary party?" Alex asked as we were riding to the party.

"I guess, let's just hope this is better than the parties in North Carolina," I said with a smile on my face.

"What happened at those parties?" He asked with one hand on the wheel and the other on my leg.

"Every single one I went to got busted. I still remember everyone bolting out the back door and into the woods when the cops would show up," I said while laughing.

"Why were they all busted? That's unusual."

"The kid who always threw them? His father was a cop. He busted the parties every time because his mom was never home, and somehow his dad always found out," I said, remembering all the memories.

Alex didn't say anything but sat in the driver's seat while massaging his thumb on my thigh as he drove.

"So, do you have plans tomorrow morning?" He asked, and I could even sense a little bit of nervousness by his shaky voice, which was weird for him.

"Unfortunately, I have morning practice with my Dad from 7-9 at the gym. After that I am free, but you probably won't want to see me after that."

He looked at me, "Why not?"

"I will probably be running off of no sleep, no coffee, and be all sweaty," I said as I looked at him.

"I won't mind," he said as he looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes and looked as he pulled onto a gravel road. We drove for a couple of minutes before seeing a bunch of cars and a huge house. There were already students hanging out on the front lawn with drinks in their hands talking.

"I guess we are late to the party," I mumbled as I looked around.

"We are here before the football team, so we are early," Alex said as he parked his truck and stepped out. I took off the button up that I was wearing so that I was just in a tank top and jean shorts.

As I took a step forward towards the house, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "One more thing. Please only get your drinks either yourself or from me. Some of the guys here are pigs,"

"How do I know you're not going to drug me?" I asked as I looked at him with a smile on my face.

He leaned forward, so we were almost an inch apart, "I guess that is a risk you are going to have to take. Come on," he said as he kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. We had yet actually to kiss, and the sexual tension was killing me, but it was whatever.

I could already spot Carson leaned up against the post on the front porch talking to a boy I have never seen before. Before Alex and I could slide by, Carson leaned forward and grabbed my arm.

"Hey, Logan, you made it! This is Jacob, we are going to the homecoming dance together in two weeks," Carson said as a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stood there with his arm around her shoulders. He just nodded his head at me while I looked at him, and I noticed he had a lot of the same traits as Cole.

"We are going inside. Keep it in your pants, Carson," Alex said as he dragged me inside. He didn't even leave room for her to comment.

As we walked inside, the music got a lot louder due to the two big speakers that were in the living room, and then right in front of it was a beer pong table set up with kids playing. Alex pulled me over to the kitchen as he got something to drink out of the fridge.

"I am drinking one beer, and that's it. I'm driving you to Carson's too," he said as he brought a beer and another drink I didn't recognize out of the fridge.

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