21 - spill.

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a/n: hi. sorry i dipped. school sucks. here is a chapter :)

oh and happy holidays to those that celebrate!

Logan's POV

I walked into the locker room and threw my bag into my locker. As soon as I came out of the room, Alex was standing right there waiting for me.

"Baby, can you please tell me what's going on, you haven't talked to me all morning," he pleaded. I looked him up and down and looked around before grabbing his wrist and dragging him into the locker room.

"Look," I started, "I am sorry that I have been acting weird. I have just been going through some things and I was overthinking and I was taking it out on you. I'm sorry."

"Well can you tell me what it was? You never gave me any inclination about what upset you and I want to make sure that I don't do it again," Alex said as he put gently put both hands on my face and pulled me to look at him instead of on the floor.

"It's just, you didn't text me when you got home last night, and it just sent me into a spiral into my mind. It was just me being in my head," I said with a smile on my face.

"Well how did that start? I figured that you knew I would make it home safe because we have each others location, so how did the spiral start?" He asked with a soft voice.

I took a deep breath. I might as well tell him now, "My mom died two years ago around this time due to a drunk driver. A bunch of thoughts just lead to other thoughts and I got no sleep," I said as I looked at him with glossy eyes. His thumbs slowly started rubbing my cheekbones as he looked down at me.

"If something is bothering you please let me know, even if I don't wake up, I could easily try and help you when I wake up, or just keep calling until I wake up, okay? I am always here for you, even if I did something wrong I want to know what it is so I can fix it," Alex said with a serious look on his face.

"And I am also so sorry about your mom," he said as leaned his forehead down to mine, "If you need anything, please just tell me. I will be there in a heartbeat," he said as our foreheads and noses were touching.

A tear slid down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb, "thank you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

We stood there for a couple of seconds before the warning bell rang, signaling that students need to get to class.


It had been about a week since I told Alex about my mom, and the week had flown by pretty fast, and he made time to see me at least once everyday outside of school which was nice of him.

I was dribbling a basketball back to the rack during practice, and I could feel Carson closely behind me bouncing her basketball as well. I set mine on the rack and Carson set hers down right next to mine.

"So Logan," she started, "talked to Cole lately?"

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her, "No I haven't, why? Have you? That dramatic exit in the gym that day seemed pretty interesting. And you haven't really talked to me since," I said as I was stretching my arms watching the coach show some of the younger players a drill.

"Yeah because you were behind the whole thing!" Carson yelled in my face.

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Cora says as she walks over to us with a ball in her hand.

"None of your business Cora," Carson said as she side eyed Cora and walked away.

Once Carson was out of earshot I looked at Cora and we both had the same surprised look on her face. We both laughed and started walking over towards Coach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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