13 - i get a little bit nervous

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a/n: be ready for a pov change later in the chapter ;)

Logan's POV

I heard my phone ringing, and I am surprised that I woke up. I could feel my head pounding from lack of sleep and the small hangover that I had. Nothing I haven't felt before, but if I'm tired, Dad will just make practice worse.

I slowly pushed Carson's arm off of my hip and slipped out of bed and down the hall to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant, pulled my hair into a very messy bun, and then went back to my bag in her room to change into shorts and a t-shirt. I put sweatpants on overtop of my shorts and slipped on socks and vans.

I got my keys off of her bedside table and slowly walked down the steps. When I passed the kitchen, I saw Tyler making a cup of coffee. He was standing there in workout clothes, so that made me think he was going to the gym like I was. I walked over to the island and stood there for a second. He slowly turned around and had a surprised look on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing awake?" He asked me while I leaned against the island.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I always get up early. You and Carson were out until 3 am. Why are you up at 6:30?" He asked as he set his coffee down.

"It's Saturday, and I have mandatory practice," I said while rolling my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed.

"The fuck? The school doesn't do Saturday practices outside of the season," he said as he looked at me with a confused face.

"You don't know my father. I will be back anyway before Carson even knows I'm gone," I said as I looked at my phone and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait, I wanna go with. I'm getting ready to go to the gym anyway," he said as he poured his cup in the sink and rinsed it out.

"You just made that coffee? But I don't care. I'm driving," I said. I didn't mean to come off hostile. I was just tired.

"Yes ma'am," he said as he put his hands up, "you are not a morning person."

"I am a morning person, when I'm not hungover and when I have energy. Also, when I don't have to see my father when I am hungover and tired."

"Oh, so someone has daddy issues," he said as we walked to the door, and he started to put on a jacket.

"Do you ever shut up?" I asked while standing next to him.

"Nope," he said as he opened the door for me, "let's go, short stack."

I rolled my eyes and walked to my vehicle. We both got in, and I put on some music before we left.

"So, how do you like Texas?" Tyler asked, just trying to make conversation.

"Honestly, I like it a lot. We will see how much I like it when basketball season gets here, though," I said while I kept my eyes on the road.

"What do you mean?" He asked while he looked at me.

"The chemistry with my old team was just amazing. It was like we all had one brain when we played. I am hoping it will be that way here, and we all get along," I admitted to him. That is one of my biggest fears with moving was team chemistry. I was an outsider, and it would be worse since it was senior year, and I was new. I just wanted everything to go smoothly.

Alex's POV

I stood outside the Davis resident lightly knocking on the door, begging that Carson was not too hungover and remembered our plan. I tried to look inside the little glass part next to the door, but so couldn't see anything.

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