11 - lying? that's no good

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Logan's POV

"Can basketball season start already? I'm ready to play," I heard Carson say as she tied her basketball shoes.

"I hate to break it to you, but we still have like another two months before it does," I said as I stood up from the bench and started stretching my arms.

"I am literally going to riot. Anyway, do you have plans tomorrow?" She asked as she stood up and grabbed a basketball.

"No, why?"

"Because, it's Friday night and we have a football game. Plus, I have caught wind of a party that's going down and I want you to come with," she said as we walked onto the court together.

"Football game, yes. Party, I don't know," I said as I lined up at the foul line and got ready to shoot.

She stood there dribbling the ball in between her legs while standing next to me, "Oh come on, it will be fun. Bring your boyfriend too while you're at it."

I glared at her from my shooting position and shot the ball, "Me and Alex are not dating," I said as I went to grab the basketball.

"Yeah, yeah tell that to my Twitter post that was trending for a week. And you guys have still been going out for the past two weeks since it happened, so, dating," she said with a lighthearted tone at the end as she started to do a layup.

She finished her shot and looked at me. I held my ball and looked at her. I guess a party couldn't hurt.

"Alright I'll go with you."

She smiled and started dribbling again, "Yay, you can even come to my house and get ready for the game. You can also stay the night too. My brother will end up driving us so it won't matter."

"Stop talking girls, let's go," I heard Coach yell as he had a clipboard and walked into the gym.

"Guess that's our queue," Carson said as she looked at me and everyone started to get into our warmup formation to start practice.


I grabbed my bag once practice was over and walked to my car. I had a lot of homework to do and I needed to get it done.

I was looking down at my phone answering a text from Trinity when I reached my car. I wasn't even paying attention to it until I saw Alex leaning against the hood.

"Well this is a sight," I said putting my phone in my bag while I walked up to him, "What are you doing here?" I asked as I put my bag down and leaned against my door.

"I just wanted to see you. And ask if you have plans tomorrow night," he said as he inched forward and grabbed my hand. It was weird with him, me and him were just hanging out. I guess that is what you could call it.

"You couldn't have texted me? And I wanted to ask you the same thing. I have been invited to a party by Carson tomorrow after the football game that I have also been invited to. Do you want to come with?" I asked I leaned forward and looked up at him.

"Oh good lord, Carson is dragging you to parties already?" He said as he rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Yep. Are you coming with me or will I have to survive by myself?"

"I'll go with you," he said as he looked down at me with a mischievous look, "but I'm driving."

I looked at him with a confused face, "Why?"

"Because I want to drive you," he said with a 'duh' tone, "and I already know Carson said that you guys would ride with Tyler because that's always what she does, but I don't trust his driving."

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