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        "The brave king raised his sword, and the army charged forth! Although no one said it, everyone knew this was the end. The final battle was here!" A figure raised a wooden sword and battles imaganary enemies. Their short brown hair is just long enough to be pulled back, and they did so, making their hair stay out of their face as they "fight." Brown eyes specked with gold dart around the clearing as if watching a battle. They shout curses and other insults at the imagainary enemies, diving behind trees and blocking pretend swords. 

        They spin around and stop, faces flushed with slight emaresmant, to see their parents watching them. 

        "Alice, really, you're getting a bit old for this, arn't you?" Her mother asks. The exitment from moments before vanishes, and she sheathes her wooden sword, specks of gold paint falling to the ground. 

        "Don't call me Alice. I am the budder king, defending his castle and his land from the dreded squids!" She shouts. Her mother sighs and looks at her father, who looks like he's trying very hard not to be proud. 

        "Adam, can you please talk some sence into our daughter? I'm going back to the house, this is the last time I'm explaining this today." Adam nods. 

        "Yeah, you do that. I'll talk to her." Alice rolls her eyes and leans against a tree, arms crossed. She looks a lot like her father, and even at fourteen, she has a rather flat, boyish figure. She looks exactally like what he did at her age. 

        "I know I'm to old for this, I know I shouldn't play with swords, I promise I won't do it again, go away." She mutters in a momotone voice, like she's reading from a script. Adam actually laughs, and walks over to her. 

        "Your mother just doesn't like remembering the war. It was a hard time for people, espacally us. We all almost died many times, including you." Alice sits down at the bottom of the tree and starts fiddling with some grass. 

        "I know, I just... I feel like I've been out there, you know? I feel like I've seen the battles, really been i them. I belong out there!" Adam sighs. 

        "You never were near the battle field. I never fought in the war, but our farm was burned down. Maybe that's what-" 

        "If that's all true, why can't you looks me in they eyes and say that? My fake memories of battle, you can never tell me to my face thay they didn't happen! Don't lie to me!" Alice looks up and regrests yelling the second she does. Adam looks hurt, and it was not Alice's intention to make him feel bad. 

        "Dad, I'm sorry-" 

        "No, don't be. I admit we are hiding things from you, and you will learn one day, but for now... you're just to young. You're only turning fifteen, and I know that is way to young to learn what happened. We haven't lied, just... streached the truth. The scar on your cheek is from your mother being attacked while trying to get you to a safe place, our home was burned to the ground, and that's all you need to know for now." Alice nods, but is frustrated. Why with the secrets? Why not just tell her? 

        "I'm going home. You can stay here a while, just be back before sunset and don't go near the water." Adam says. Alice nods, and finds herself alone once again, having learned no lesson whatsoever. 

        "What the Neather happened in- MAXIA PETER SOLACE GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Max and Brice both burst out laughing, giving away their hiding spot under the table. The tablecloth is lifted off, and the two blondes look up to see Seto standing with his arms crossed, dripping with blue paint. 

        "Dad did it!" Max says once he can breathe. Brice is to busy laughing to defend himself from the (somewhat true) blame, and Max starts laughing again. Seto gets a little less angry and smiles, waving his hand at them so they get splattered as well. 


        "Don't hey me, I got a full bucket dumped on my head! It matches your eye." Seto says teasingly to Max. 

        "Happy Birthday, Seto." Brice says finally. Seto smirks and gives him a hug, covering him with paint. 

        "Why on Minecraftia did I marry an artist, then adopt a second one?" Seto asks. Brice and Max climb out from under the table, smiling. Brice shrugs. 

        "Maybe you just have good taste? Come on, we have a ledgit gift for you in the other room." Seto smiles and follows Brice, but Max stays a bit behind them. He hates it when his dads say he's adopted, he just refuses to believe it. He looks like both of them, and is convinced he is actually somehow realated to them both. He has blonde hair like Brice, but it goes down, not up, like Seto's. He has one blue eye and one brown eye, Seto's talent with magic, and Brice's talent with art. 

        "Max, you ok?" Brice asks. Max nods, smiling again. 

        "Yeah, I'm perfect! I hope dad likes his gift." Brice smiles and puts his arm around the kid. Shorter than Brice, but an inch taller than Seto. Another thing that bothers Max. 

        "Holy Notch, did you guys get me a giant box of bricks or something?" Seto asks, astounded. Brice dramadically covers his mouth. 

        "Seto! How did you guess?!" He exlaimes. Seto rolls his eyes and lifts the top off the giant box. Max crosses his fingers behind his back, hoping he did a good job.He and Brice had been working on this in secret for the pas month. 

        "Oh! Oh wow, this is beautiful!" Seto says, smiling. He wipes paint covered hair out of his eyes and finishes getting the box apart. Max relaxes and smiles at Brice, who is helping Seto with the giant box. Sitting on the floor is a hand made enchantment table, and it starts drawing symbols from the ai the second Seto gets near it. 

        "I would touch it, but I don't want to get paint all over it. Did you to make this?" Brice nods. 

        "I carved the obsidian and worked on the cloth, but Max did all the work on the book and the placing of the spells in the pages. We tested it, too." Brice says. Seto smiles and pulls them both into a hug. 

        "Thank you! It's amazing! You're both amazing!" Max smiles, enjoying the moment. He might as well enjoy this while it lass, he knows in an hour or so he and Brice are going to to cleaning up blue paint from the walls. 

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