Games and Guesswork

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"So how about a game to introduce our new guests?" Louis says waving around his prized cards. "Yeah that sounds good,who else is in?" Violet said turning to the others. When everyone had decided it left them with Louis, James, Violet, Clementine and the Garcia's. "So what are we playing?" Gabe asked looking towards Clementine. "How about truth or dare?" Violet suggested as she looked over at the group, everyone nodded happily and the game began.

As they drew their cards Clementine drew a king of spades and James an two of diamonds. "So James, tell me... anybody here catch your eye?" She said suggestively. The larger boys eyes darted furiously around the table as his face grew red in embarrassment he eventually looked up and scanned the faces in front of him, when he reached Louis he stopped for a moment before continuing. "Ok let's bury that one for now and move on." Louis said awkwardly. The next round left Kate with an ace and Violet with s four of clubs. "So Violet, back in the woods you mentioned that you and Clem were girlfriends, what's the story there?" Kate asked kindly. Violet thought for a second before answering, "Well about two months ago we found Clem and AJ in a car crash near the train station a few miles away, she helped us protect the school against these assholes who tried to kidnap us and well... the night before we got raided we went out to the top of the clock tower and looked at the stars and th.." Violet was cut off but her girlfriend as she quickly placed a kiss on her check and began to speak,"and then that's when we kissed, it was perfect." The two girls looked at each other for a second with a loving smile then back at the group, everyone was smiling except for Gabe who was looking at his feet in jealousy. Then continued to share stories for most of the night, the card game was quickly abandoned due to the amount of tales each person seemed to have. When everyone eventually ran out of stories everybody went back to their rooms, except James who had stayed behind to talk to Louis.

As Clementine lay in bed she was suddenly woken by a pair of lips crashing into hers, it took her a few moments to realise what was happening but she slowly began to melt into it, pulling the blonde in closer as they kissed. "Morning beautiful." Violet said with a goofy smile, "Somebodies in a good mood." Clementine responded as she gazed into her girlfriend's emerald green eyes, "How could I not be happy waking up to your face everyday?" The blonde smiled and stood up to get ready for the day, she got herself then Clementine ready and handed her her crutches. "You know I could see if Willy could...make you a new leg?" Violet said nervously, she understood how her confidence was effected by her leg."Yeah, if you guys could, it would be nice to walk semi-normal again." Clementine said with a slight confidence.

So for the next few weeks the group started to collect material that they may be able to use for a primitive prosthetic leg. They didn't find much around their local area as they had already looted everything until one dark afternoon James and Violet had found a camp in the woods, the fire pit was cold and a thin layer of vegetation covered the area, it didn't look like anyone or anything had lived here for some time. They were about to overlook the camp as an old raider camp but something caught the blonde's eye as she looked around, hidden in the crevices of a tree was a suppressed handgun and what seemed to be a diary page, Violet and James read the note a few times over and stood confused at its contents:

Day 36 AB
No Food
Little Water
Walkers? No
Clementine has one leg

Had somebody been watching them, it mentioned Clementine Violet thought as she looked around, the note looked old, James said that it could have been there for at least a month. Violet looked at the handgun in her hands, she had only ever used a bow and here trusty blade. "You know how to shoot?" Violet asked James "Never had to, didn't Clementine say that she taught AJ, maybe she could show you?" James answered confidently. "Well still this is fucking weird we should get back ASAP"

Hello you beautiful people, thank you for reading, I'm actually surprised at the number of people who read this, I might start another if this gets good views, have a good day/night.

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