Blue, Yellow and Blood

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Kick It!

The car speakers echoed the loud music as the car drove swiftly down the empty side of the road.
"So were are we going?" AJ asked as he stared out into the decrepit landscape around him. Harry turned around and smiled, "A little place called IKEA!" He said in an overdramatise manner.
"I-KEA, what's that?" The boy questioned. "It's a surprise for the lot of you because I doubt you two remember." Clementine and Violet shook there heads, Harry smiled in response and turned back to face the road, his head occasionally moving to the high intensity music playing. "What is this music, it's weird?" Violet said. Harry scoffed, "Beastie Boys, good right?" Violet shrugged and continued to converse with her wife.

The music continued to play for an hour or so until the CD ran out of songs to play. "Well that was fun." Harry said slumping into his seat. The drive was silent for a moment, the near empty half of the road passing by. "Stop!" Violet yelled suddenly. The car screeched as the brakes tightened, in a swift movement Violet unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, running swiftly towards a broken car. "What the fuck!" Andrew exclaimed, "Vi?" Clementine shouted as she climbed out of the car.
The loud sound of crashing and banging got louder as Clementine approached the car. "Fuck yeah!" The blonde exclaimed as she turned back and ran back towards their car with a guitar in hand. "How the hell did you find that?" Clementine questioned looking towards the grinning woman, "I've got good eyes." She said slight panting. Climbing back into the car Andrew expressed his annoyance where as Harry was over exited by the discovery, "Holy shit, anybody know how to play?" Violet plucked randomly at the strings as the vehicle rolled away.

The random plucking of the guitar eventually grew into something of a tune, "Your good at that." AJ said. Violet smiled softly and continued to play the strange tune she had developed, Clementine giggling slightly as she played.

Several Hours Later

The sky was a vast expanse of light, lying hand in hand on the hood of the car the two women stared into the stars and pointed occasionally to different shapes.

"Look a cat." Clementine said, Violet traced the outline of a feline face. "A cat is... a weird one actually." Violet commented. "Let's find another." The brunette suggested looking back into night sky.
"I found a hammer." Violet pointed to the hammer shape. "A hammer is robust, a little funny and works well in a team." Clementine though for a moment, "Sounds a bit like those two." She said pointing to Harry and Andrew who had made a small camp and were talking to AJ around the small fire.

"You should probably get some rest, big day ahead." Harry half shouted from the camp. The women climbed off the car hood, the blonde helping the other off and into the car to sleep. "Goodnight Clem." Violet said giving her a quick kiss and closing the door and sitting down in the front seat.

A Few Hours Later

Pulling carefully into the expansive and near empty car park everyone turned to face the large yellow and blue building; moss and vines stained the faded once coloured walls. "Here it is." Andrew said parking.
"I think I went to one of these when I was a kid." Clementine stepped out of the car, followed by Violet and AJ. "The doors locked." AJ said rattling the large glass door. "Stand back kid." Andrew said drawing an arrow and firing it into the dust glass. With a loud smash the glass crumbled, the group waited for noise but none came. "How did you do that?" AJ questioned. "Ceramic tip, goes through glass like butter." Andrew said collecting his arrow and placing it back into its quiver. "Now we need to get into the back storage room where all the flat packs are, look out for general supplies, I heard that some people hid out here after the outbreak."

The small group climbed carefully over the smashed glass, it made a quiet yet echoing crunching through the dark lobby. "Look our for the dead." Andrew said.

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