A Letter to a Friend

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Dear, Clementine

I'm writing this about six hours after the explosion. The current situation is not good, Louis.. I don't know how to put this but Louis died immediately upon the explosion, fragments of debris piercing his neck and skull. I'm sorry, I know we didn't always see eye to eye but I like the kid, he was funny.

We buried him, it was better than leaving him to rot outside, we let Sophie say her goodbyes. She's taking it surprisingly well, she's currently helping Kate and Ruby treat the wounded.

Your ok by the way, well your going to know that when you read this, a little bump to the head but nothing serious. Violet on the other hand was lucky, shrapnel just grazed her head, it's going to leave a nasty scar on the right side of her head but she's not going to look like me so she's fine. Same thing with AJ he's practically unharmed, Louis saved the kid.

I just wanted to say sorry and thank you, you took us in after the delta burned everything I loved and you took is in again years later. I hope one day we can meet again under different circumstances but for now we're off, Me, Andrew, Abby and Minnie are going back to the ski lodge. Your welcome to join us there if you need a brake from life at Texas Two.

Goodbye and good luck,


Clementine put the note down, she had woken up a day after they had left. She wasn't worried. They were safe now and so was she. She had a family and people who loved her. It was just a matter of time before the world would adjust.

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