The Last Outsiders

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Harry quickly rushed back to the truck, "Ok this isn't good we need to get back before more of these assholes turn up." He climbed up the large van and got inside, slamming the door and turning the key to start the engine.

Harry gripped the wheel tightly, "Hold onto something I gonna ram it."

"What?" Violet exclaimed.

"Look these guys are looking for us, they could already be at Texas Two killing your people. My radio isn't in range yet and it's going to be dark soon so we need to get going now!" Harry pushed his foot to the floor and the van flew forward crashing violently through the roadblock and over the other side.

The armoured truck sped down the abandoned roads through raided towns and woodland roads.

As they approached the turn off to the old school Abby's radio crackled to life.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me this is Sophie calling is anyone out there?"

Louis snacked the radio from Abby's hand, "Soph what is it what's wrong are you ok?"

The radio bleeped and Louis waited for a response but nobody answers.

"Sophie can you hear me it's Louis?" He said in a desperate panic for a response.

The riot van slowed to a halt as they entered the forest road and Harry climbed into the back with the others. He opened his pack and retrieved a military radio and clicked the button four times. Almost immediately the radio bleeped three times, there was a short pause before a hushed voice began to speak.

"They took the main building and the dorms. Hidden in the greenhouse with four others."

Harry sighed in relief, "Thank fuck your safe. Look we're parked down the road in the old war truck I got the old squad gear get yourself and Minnie down here."

The radio remained silent for a few moments before the voice returned, "If were not there before the sun sets do what you have to do."

The group sat in a shock not fully sure what was happening.

"What about Clem, she could be hurt we can't just sit here?" Violet asked panicked.

"Minnie needs me, she could be hurt or panicked." Abby tapped her foot rapidly against the metal floor.

Harry placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder and removed his mask, "If we rush in now I can't be sure that you or Clementine would make it out safe. Best shot we have is waiting for Andrew and Minerva to get here, we arm up and sneak in. You saw those guys on the road they were equipped with proper gear, six is better than four last time I checked."

Violet shivered with dread at the thought of what could have happened to her love.

"And Abby, Minnie will be fine, she know how to defend herself and Andrew will keep her calm

As they waited for Andrew and Minerva nerves ran high and the sky began to turn gradually darker.

A sudden knock at the vans rear door shook the group inside. They all remained silent as Harry slowly opened a hatch on the roof. He climbed out and was met with a dead walker pinned to the back door via an arrow.

Andrew and Minerva slowly walked out of the shelter of nearby overgrowth armed with his bow.

"Were good its them, open the door." Harry called down the hatch.

The doors promptly opened and Abby jumped out and immediately ran to Minerva pulling her into a tight hug.

"You had me worried sick I thought I lost you."

Whilst the two women embraced Harry jumped from the roof and approached Andrew.

"You fucking asshole you had me worried." He said lightly. Harry smiled at Andrew in a way nobody has seen before, it was almost nervous and loving. The two men kept eye contact for another moment.

"I found the photo."

Harry pulled the bloodstained and faded picture from his pocket and looked at it.

"They killed a few of the gate guards and took the main building most people hid or ran others fought and died... it was our people's shift on the gate...we're the only ones left." Andrew recalled sadly.

The pair looked down at the photo, the younger and innocent versions of themselves standing at each other's side like always. Unscathed and innocent. What seemed like a tear formed in his lone eye and Andrew opened his hand carefully, Harry placed the photo into his hand softly but kept his hand in place. For a brief but tender moment they locked hands.

"Fuck." He whispered horsely, "Last of The Outsiders... Harry and Andrew." They both clutched each other's hand tightly.

He took a moment to recover, drilling holes in the earth with his intense stare.

"Listen up!" He raised his voice so they could all hear. "We're going to go up there me and Andrew are going in through the front we'll cause a distraction and buy you some time to find your people. Abby, Minnie... protect them and if you don't see us again it been a fun ride, if we do survive you can be sure as shit we're going back to the lodge because fuck me that place is so much better than anything I've seen in a long time."

"I'll count on you coming back, it wouldn't be the same without you two." Abby grabbed her gear and ensured everyone was prepared to sneak up to the old school.

The group left the duo at the riot van to prepare their attack and began the small trip to the school.

Andrew climbed into the back of the truck and was met with a surprise.

"You got Raven back?" He asked impressed.

Harry smiled and pointed to a long thin bag leaning against the vehicle wall, "You remembered the rifle as well?" Andrew grabbed the bag and pulled a large dark sniper rifle from the bag.

The sniper was heavily modified with a suppressed barrel, large changeable sights and a string of cartridges. A group of fifteen neat tally's lined the barrel alongside the word 'Nevermore'.

Andrew carefully placed the rifle onto his back and climbed into the cabin of the riot truck.

The two men were dressed in almost opposite outfits: Harry in a heavy and colourful military outfit with little details and many wounds; Andrew in lightweight almost fully black armour.

"You know if we survive this we're going to have a serious talk about 'this'." Andrew mentioned.

The other man nervously chuckled and started the engine, "Let's focus on the killing first before we get all mushy with each other."

The military vehicle peeled aggressively off the dirt ground and towards the school. As the beast of a truck sped towards Texas Two most things were unknown but one thing was certain, a fight was bound to happen.

Well Harry got sad and a little romantic there two more chapters...
Hope you enjoyed.

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