Song of Death

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Welcome to your life

There's no turning back

Even while we sleep

We will find you acting on your best behaviour

Turn your back to mother nature

Everybody wants to rule the world

The music quietly echoed throughout the forest, the distant rumble and roar of an engine following close behind.

"Kate! Kate!" Javi screamed, his eyes were wide and bloodshot and his voice was weak with terror.

"Shut up! All of you or I'll rip out your tongue and feed it to your friends. Now we haven't got long but I'm not done with you yet." Calum said with a manic laugh.

He walked quickly over to Clementine and lent down, "What to do with you..." He said to himself.
Clementine couldn't and wouldn't look at the man who was currently inches from her face. "Oh I know, ha. This is going to hurt you more than you could imagine."

There's a room where the light won't find you

Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down

When they do, I'll be right behind you

So glad we've almost made it

So sad they had to fade it

Everybody wants to rule the world

The music was louder this time, more prominent.

Calum reached into his pocket a retrieved a knife.
He flipped it playfully in his hand and grinned, "There close, so so close." He pointed the knife at Clementine's face and ran the point over her cheek lightly.

"Don't you touch her!" Violet screamed as she lunged forward, her eyes near red from anger.

"Oh but why would I? I know her type: you can hurt her all you like but she wouldn't flinch. Oh well I'll just have to hurt you in other ways." He said.

His head flicked to the enraged Blonde, "You. You'll do just fine." Suddenly he grabbed Violet's face aggressively, "Such... definition in those cheeks, but do they bleed?" He gripped the knife and placed the tip onto Violet's right cheek.

Clementine's eyes widened, "Leave her alone, you can have me, just leave her alone!" Clementine yelled but the man did not flinch at her out burst he just smiled with madness.

The man ripped the blade down. Crimson Blood immediately began to leak out of her pale skin.
Before Violet could scream in pain her covered her mouth with his other hand. "No no no, not yet I think that he needs a friend. Don't you?" He laughed placing the blade back on her face.

Clementine's continued cries for him to stop fell on deaf ears as the blade cut horizontally across her cheek causing more blood to rush from her face.
Clementine looked into Violet's tearful eyes, her pupils widening.

"Ok. Time for the fun to begin." Calum let go of Violet's face and walked away. Violet let out a whimper of pain and hissed at the pain on her face.

All for freedom and for pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world

The music was even louder than before and the close sound of an engine slid into the clearing. The doors thundered open and three figures jumped out of the car.

After The End - ViolentineWhere stories live. Discover now