One Step Forward

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Clementine, Violet, Javi, Kate and Harry stood around the old office now bedroom looking down at the map of the school.

"If we could build some walls we could expand and build shelter for some people." Clementine suggested circling the school with her finger.
"With the added manpower we can start cutting some of these trees down." Javi said, Harry groaned with worry, "We're gonna have to set up constant patrols around the work area, I don't want anyone being eaten, whether that be to the dead or some psycho in the woods."

The group continued to talk for about and hour or two, many suggestions were given and decisions made. These decisions included the mammoth task of sorting the new influx in people into the remainder of rooms. Beds were divided into different rooms leaving Violet and Clementine's makeshift double bed halved as one half had been removed and taken onto another room. Initially Clementine had agreed completely, however after a short and private talk with Violet about the state and prior uses of the mattress she changed her view.

Many problems arose during the discussion, mainly the new problem they faced with food, they were already struggling from the previous group of Harry's friend that had joined and now with the sudden collection of hunger people they would need a miracle to survive the next weeks.

After the long meeting Clementine had to discus the current news regarding Louis and his current medical problem.

And "Is he ok?" Were the main reactions from the group. After a long silence Harry walked slowly into the room, "What's going on?" He asked.
"It's Louis he..." Ruby paused, "Oh yeah he got his arm cut off I know, I'm gonna make him a cool new arm when he gets up." Harry finished. The group gasped in shock at his words, "Way to be insensitive asshole." Aasim remarked. Harry looked around a little stunned at his statement. "Yeah we don't call you names because of your eye." Willy added.
"Wouldn't you be hurt if somebody did that?" Ruby said.

Harry looked around shocked and raised his hands defensively, "Woah, Woah, calm down, I'm just trying to help the guy. To be honest I think it's cool as fuck, he could have an knife hand." The one eye man said casually. Harry remained quiet for a moment and looked over at everyone's face's. Almost everyone was glaring at him sternly. "Ooooh. I hear it now I sound like a dick. I'm so sorry." He said sincerely.

Later, Violet and Clementine's Room

Violet perched herself casually on the windowsill and glanced out at the golden pink sky. "This room is perfect." She muttered to herself.
"Perfect? I don't know, the other half of our bed and a closet full of fresh clothes wouldn't go amiss." Clementine said sarcastically. Violet giggled slightly, "Yeah but... I have everything I need right here, I have you." Clementine turned and looked at Violet, "I've been thinking, ever since you started going back out there I've been worried sick that something is going to happen to you." Violet said with concern.
"Oh." Clementine said, the blonde stood up and walked slowly over to her, she took her hands in hers and looked into her amber eyes. "I just don't want you getting hurt and I think the best thing would be....would be both of us staying here."

Violet and Clementine stared longing into each other's eyes, "Ok, I'll stay." Clementine said quietly.
Violet smiled lovingly at the brunette, "Thank you. Now come here, I have a present for you." She said leading her over to bed.

Violet climbed into the bed and pulled Clementine in playfully, "Hey come here." Violet said in a more relaxed tone. Clementine crawled over to Violet and last down next to her, "Ok then, what is it?" Clementine said in a slight seductive tone. Violet's eyes widened then she chuckled quietly, "Hey calm down its not that." Violet paused for a moment, "Now look at that." Violet pointed at the ceiling.

Clementine dragged her gaze off the blonde and onto the distant roof, above their heads a patch of illuminated, glow in the dark plastic stars. Clementine smiled and chuckled, "Stars? Like in the belltower." Violet turned and snuggled up to the other woman, "I know how hard it if for you to get up there and I thought that you might like them." Violet said quietly. Clementine smiled softly, "Thanks Vi, it means a lot to me."

The couple lay in bed staring at the glowing green stars before drifting slowly off in each other's arms.

Several Days Later

The music room was unusually empty as Clementine wandered in. "Where is everyone?" She said aloud as she pushed through the door. Passing over makeshift beds and old sleeping bags she couldn't help but feeling she was being watched. She continued into the room and sat down at the piano, fond memories of Louis teaching her and Violet how to play one evening flooded her mind, she couldn't help but feel sad for Louis after his arm was amputated she doubted he could play again properly.

As her mind began to wonder her face develop a frown. Suddenly the door creaked open, Clementine turned attentively and watched as two figures emerged mid conversation. "I swear I saw it in here dude." Kara said loudly as she walked into the room, as she looked around she jolted slightly at the sight of Clementine, "Holy shit dude, you scared the fuck out of me!" She said in a slight exaggeration. Sam walked in speedily behind her and closed the door, "Hey keep the noise down babe that guy upstairs is asleep." She said quietly. Kara nodded in agreement and began to scan the room, "Where the hell did that stupid..." Kara mumbled to her self as she searched around the room. Her eyes locked onto the old guitar Violet had found on their trip several days earlier.
"Score! I thought I saw it in here, now we got the tunes all we need is some mood lighting." Kara said handing the guitar to Sam who plucked at the strings. Clementine glanced at the two woman in confusion, "What are you talking about?" She said standing and walking over to the door. Kara grinned and pushed opened the door, waving her hands for them to follow her. "After the little incident with Old One Eye and that crazy guy I thought that it would be a good idea to have a bit of a sing song to lighten the mood."

Clementine followed Kara and Sam out of the building into the pleasantly illuminated courtyard.
Groups of people sat casually around the courtyard on the remainder of the furniture, different people from different groups sat together talking quietly amongst themselves.

Sam and Kara sat down next to one of the many campfires, Sam plucked at the old guitar's strings until a calm and soothing melody formed. Promptly Kara began singing quietly along to the tune.

After a few moments people began to gather around the musical couple. From her perch on the wall Violet waved Clementine over.

The couple met halfway and sat down at one of the benches. They sat together quietly, listening to the gentle tune that was playing in the evening air.

Where did you go Victoria
Life is so grey now Victoria
My life not the same

Violet wrapped her arm around Clementine and placed her head on her shoulder as they listened to the music.

After the song had finished a large section of the people listening clapped quietly and left to go to sleep, Clementine and Violet stood up and moved around the fire that the musicians were playing at.

Around the fire sat the Garcia's, Ruby, Aasim, Harry and Andrew. Harry and Andrew sat silently in the corner, the one eyed man sharpening his knife carefully, the other twiddling an arrow between his fingers. Javi and his family chatted happily with Aasim and Ruby. Clementine and Violet sat down on a couch, Violet sat down and Clementine lay her head in her lap and looked up into the sky.

To Clementine the night I was a sleepy haze, the group talked, at one point she was sure that Louis and Sophie had joined them. The last thing she remembered before drifting was the gentle crackle of the campfire.

New stuff coming soon, sorry for my disappearance, can't really explain it, I think I'm just lazy. Hope you enjoyed reading.

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