Chapter Five- What's his problem?!

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I'm sorry for not updating for a while but I was really busy this whole week because I have regatta and then followed by my camp then also my orchestra practice so I don't have time to just sit down and write. Since some of you think that the last chapter is a little confusing, I'll try to sum it up for you guys:D

So basically, Evie is at the ball with her friends and Max. Max is talking to a brunette called Simona, and the guy hitting on Emma is called Brandon. Evie was upset about the fact that Emma let Brandon hit on her because she already has a boyfriend back at home, and the two of them are currently split due to a fight.

Then Evie's grams decided to play matchmaker and made Evie and Max dance together and the both of them are upset about it. Simona is upset as well because she likes Max. And lastly, Evie got the news of Max staying for the summer. and the last part about her regretted not leaving as soon as she found out that she is not the actual Evie, which is mentioned in the other chapter. She already knows that she went to the wrong house but because of Emma insisting that they stay, so they stayed, with her pretending to be someone else. Got it so far?

Anyways, picture to the right is Julianne, she is Danielle Campbell:) SHES JUST SO PREDDY<3


Chapter Five- What's his problem?!

After that little incident with Max, my head was spinning. Not only because of the news that Max and his friends are staying, but also because of my lack of sleep. And to top it all, grams was so cheerful during breakfast that my headache got worse.

She was blabbing about how great Max is, how good looking he is, how successful he is and that he has no flaws, at least she made it sound like he doesn't have any, which is gross. Trust me. Watching grams fawn over Max made me scowl and stab the poor bacon on my plate is really not a good way to start the morning. Especially if your morning involves hearing a terrible news.

"Oh darling! I almost forgot! Your teacher comes today!" She clapped enthusiastically.

I frown at her, not understanding what she was saying. "Er what teacher grams?"

"Your etiquette teacher darling! Have you forgotten that you need an etiquette teacher to teach you some manners?"

"What? I have manners grams." I said offended.

"Oh I'm sorry darling! Yes you do have wonderful manners, but you lack the proper way a young lady should talk and walk and behave. I can't watch you behave like that another day!" She explained with a tad bit of annoyance.

I huffed and glare at Max when he snickered at me. And when I kicked him under the table, he smirked even more causing my blood to boil in anger.

Just as I was about to give him a piece of my mind, Julianne came down the stairs with the guy she was with yesterday. Both of them were chatting animatedly and seem to be engrossed in whatever they are discussing. When they saw the three of us sitting at the table, they stopped talking immediately.

Julianne quickly rush to take the seat beside me while that guy took the seat opposite her, beside Max. I was curious to who that guy is so I lean over towards Julianne, and whispered to her, "Hey, who's that your getting cozy with?"

She stared at me with wide eyes, "What? Cozy? I'm not getting cozy with him." She denied. "We were just talking." She added. "Oh, and he is Max's best friend, Cole." She said his name dreamily. Pfft talking yea right.

Emma came down few minutes later looking even worse than me. I stifled a laugh as I watch her stumble down the stairs, almost tripping as she climbed down the last step. She is most likely having a hungover. Serves her right for drinking so much last night.

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