Chapter 5

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She turns off the swing and unclips the button as I stand completely still watching her every move

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She turns off the swing and unclips the button as I stand completely still watching her every move.

She lifts her up out the swing placing Elle on her feet, her little feet pad fast over to the toy box Brin just tidied away, she giggle getting excited as she begins pulling the toys out, I gulp watching the sight in front of me.

"Brin?" I coo averting my eyes away from Elle.

"What?" She say her tone confused.

"How old is she?" I ask taking in a sharp breath.

She walks through to the kitchen as I follow two steps behind, did she not just hear me?

She pads around the kitchen gathering pots and taking food out the fridge and freezer.

"Brin.." I coo, my patience is wafer thin "Brin!" I shout she stops her movements placing her palms on the kitchen countertop.

"Why does she have my mother's name?" I never once told her my mothers name, not once.

She stays silent once again, her not saying a word is provoking me. It's like I can feel my anger begin to fill my veins.

"Brin!.." I snap "she has my mothers name! Why?!" I yell gripping the island countertop surface, I'm holding in so much rage hoping I don't explode.

"She's almost three" she answers my first question with her back to me still laying her palms on the countertop still like a statue.

"What?" My voice betrays me by cracking.

She's almost three..

"Brax gave me the name..her name" She coos finally turning around with tears in her eyes.

Why would..Brax..gave her my mothers name.

"Are you telling me that's my child..that little girl in there is mine?" I straighten my posture, I can tell my emotions will come crashing down any minute.

I don't understand..

A tear drops falling down her cheek "THATS MY CHILD!" I scream slamming my fist against the countertop, Brin flinches as more tears escape.

"You said you didn't care.." her voice shaky.

"What!?" I didn't say shit.

"Stop shouting, Elle is in the next room" she says calmly wiping her tears.

My thoughts are swirling..that's my daughter, that's my baby girl in there and I didn't fucking know about her!

"Brin, is she my daughter.." I let out a shaky breath as I compose my thoughts.

"Yes.." she quietly says.

"I've had a daughter for three fucking years and you didn't tell me!" I'm so heartbroken but most of I'm so furious.

"I did!" She screams back as tears fill her cheeks.

"No you fucking didn't!!"

I hear small footsteps behind me before stopping, I'm terrified to turn around..that's my daughter.

"Mamma" she coos walking around to Brin.

Brin picks her up into her arms "Hi baby girl, what's wrong?" Her voice high pitched again as she speak to our daughter.

Her hair is dark brown curly like Brins, she has two tiny pigtails in her hair allowing her natural ringlet curls to fall, she has a white baby grow with a pink tutu on. She's the spitting imagine of Brinley.

"Mamma finee?" she says in the most adorable squeaky voice, she places her palm on Brinley's cheek with a pout.

"Mamma is fine, you go play okay..Dinner will be soon" she smiles the fakest smile before placing her back on her feet.

"Oklay" She smiles brightly waddling back around the counter "Heltho" she waves to me walking out, I feel my heart drop, i'm speechless as I watch daughter walk down the little hall and back into the living room.

I clear my throat looking back to Brinley, she's stood there with a sympathetic look on her face, I hate that look.

"Why?" I just manage to say.

"I tried calling, texting, i even tried social media to get in touch with you, you blocked me on everything..I left a voicemail before you blocked me though. I then tried writing you a letter but then realised I had no where to send it too.." She looks down.

"I then remembered Brax has a company here, I managed to contact him..i told him everything and he told you about Elle..he told you I was pregnant but, do you remember what you said?" She looks up her eyes piercing through mine.

I shook my head swallowing the lump forming in the throat.

"That you didn't don't care about me or that little girl in there and once I heard that, I promised myself I'd give her the best life..father or not"

"I don't remember that.." I place my hands over the counter dropping my head down so she can't see my face, I'm such an idiot.

Of course I don't remember, the first year was the worst for me..drinking and drugs.

"So don't stand there and tell me I didn't tell you, because I did.." She turns away from me "Brax told me, about the drugs so I figured you forgot because of that"

"I'm so sorry.." my bottom lip trembles as I think about my poor two year old daughter. "Can I uhm.." I clear my throat "Can I be apart of her life now?" She turns slowly to me.

"Is that what you want?" she asks softly.

"I've wanted nothing more" I tell the truth wiping my eyes with my inner elbow.

She nods her head, I sigh in relief. I sit down on the island stool.

I need a moment, I have a daughter..I missed her being born, her first steps, her first words, Christmas's, birthday's..I've missed it all.

"Hun, I'm home!" I hear Kai shout from the front door.

Oh fucking Kai! Fuck off!

He walks into the kitchen spotting me first.

"Oh, Hunter" His eyes widen.

"What?" I growl. I hate him, physical and emotional.

I could knock him out right now.

"Didn't know you'd be here" He glances to Brin.

"Hi, sweetie" he places a kiss on her cheek, I bite my bottom lip at the disgusts me.

Hold it in Hunter..come on.

"Papa!" I hear from behind me, I turn around just at the sound.

My heart stops when her eyes light up walking over to that fucking prick.

She calls him dad.


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