Chapter 56

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I've spent the whole night staring at the photo of Elle, I can't sleep. I've probably slept a whole five minutes before I had a nightmare about that stupid little fucking Jasmine. I've hardly slept the whole week, I'm shattered and drained.

I can't wait to see Brin today, I've been dying to see her. I'm hoping everything will go back to normal and Brin will take me back. I keep accidentally calling her my girlfriend or wife, it's only because I want it to be true.

"Anderson!" A warden taps his torch on the cell bars, gaining my attention.

I glance towards him confused "What?"

"The governor wants to see you" he stares blankly at me.


"Alright?" I stand up while he buzzes the door open.

He leads me upstairs into a different wing to an office at the end of a large hall. A secretary sits at a oak desk, she's much older than I am.

"Ahhh, Hunter Anderson!" He claps his hands together once before interlocking his fingers in front of him.

I've only spoke to him a few times while I've been here but I'm unsure why he wants to speak now. Just makes me wonder..what have I done now?

"Take a seat" he gestures to two chairs sitting in front of his dark oak desk.

I sit down skeptical.

"I'm here to talk about the incident that happened at city hall yesterday"

"Okay?" I stare blankly at him.

"Jasmine was arrested on sight, turns out she escaped from a psychiatric hospital in England. She's has been escorted back to England to continue treatment and will not be allowed out"

"A mental hospital? You're telling me she escaped for over two years and it wasn't over all the news nor did they find her!" My mind begins to tick with anger.

"Yes, well she admitted to all charges and admitted she set you up. She ranted that you deserved it so we looked into your record, we've seen you did the time for that incident that took place when you were younger, because you were falsely accused you'll be released and charges will be dropped" He tells me.

"Are you kidding?" There is no way in hell something has finally gone right for me.

"No, Enzo will take you to get your things" he half smiles.

"Really?" I'm in doubt.

"Yes, you'll sign some papers and you're free to go" he stands up, "Would you like to be dropped off anywhere or?"

"No it's fine!" I stand up following his movements, he shakes my hand firmly "Thanks" I hide my smile.

I'm actually getting out, I can go see Brin and be with Elle. I can watch Brin's stomach grow and watch her give birth to our child. There is no secrets I have left to bother me or fuck up me getting Brin back.

God I hope she takes me back for good.

"I'm here to see, Brinley Brooks" I say to the lady behind the desk.

"Do you have any relation?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm the father"

She looks at me confused "Of her children" I elaborate.

"Oh, okay" she giggles, she begins tapping the keyboard "Just down the hall to the left, room 158" she smiles.

I smile and kindly thank her. I'm getting good at this being kind shit.

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