Chapter 36

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Hunter's POV

"You have to wear these too" I chuckle holding out headphone.

"Why?" She whines even though she can't see what is it.

"Just do it" I say and place the headphones over her head making sure to turn the music on loud. I turn to my head to Elle to check on her before driving, she's half asleep in her car seat holding tightly onto her blanket by the tag.

I put the car into first gear and drive out the parking lot of the hotel, it takes a good hour to get to where I want to go. During the drive I had my hand on Brin's thigh reassuring her that I'm still here.

When we arrive I park the car as close as possible and get out heading to take Elle out her car seat.

"Everything is arranged, sir" a masculine voice says from behind me.

"Cheers" i say when Elle is in my arms. She's fast asleep and I'm glad.

"Luggage is in the boot" he nods and walks to the trunk taking the bags out.

I open the passenger side door, Brin is bobbing her head to the music minding her own business, I chuckle and take her hand in mine. She flinches before realising it's me.

I pull her carefully out the car and pull her towards the entrance with Elle still in my arm draped over my shoulder. I help her up the steps making sure she doesn't trip, the stewardess smiles at us as we walk past, I stop when we walk through the door.

I place Elle down on the couch pulling her blanket over her and then I make my way back to Brin, I take the headphones and blindfold off and she opens her eyes. I step to the side giving her full view of the private jet's lounge area.

Her eyes go wide in shock, she looks towards me with happiness sparkling in her eyes "Ive never been on a plane!" She says wide eyed.

"Have now, baby" I smirk.

She looks around one more time before smiling widely "Oh my god!" she squeals jumping up and down before jumping into my arms.

I remember when we were watching planes take off over our heads, the way she got all excited and that's when I knew I wanted to see that again.

"Shhh, Elle is sleeping" I chuckle.

She cups my cheeks still smiling bright, she pecks my lips as her thumbs rub back and forth on my cheeks.

"Where we going?" She asks, the smile hasn't left her face.

"Secret" I smirk.

She pouts sticking her bottom lip out dramatically giving me puppy eyes "Stop" I warn narrowing my eyes and she smiles.

"Get comfortable baby, we'll be here for a while" I smirk.

"Is there a bed here?" She bites on her bottom lip.

"Yes.." I narrow my eyes. Is she implying what I think she is, if so she won't be able to walk.

"Good, I'm off to sleep" she lets go of me and walks away.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I grab her arm. She isn't going to do me like that.

"What?" She says innocently tilting her head.

"You know what, I'm gonna fuck you hard for that teasing" I pull her into my chest.

Someone clears their throat behind me and we both turn to look to see the stewardess standing awkwardly holding her hands professionally in front of her.

"What?" I say harshly to her.

"The pilot will be taking off shortly, so please secure your seatbelts" she half smiles.

"Okay, thank you" Brin says softly and pulls away from me and heads to Elle. When the woman disappears behind the door, Brin looks at me in horror.

"What?" I ask.

"She heard you! That was embarrassing" she whines.

"Shouldn't be listening in and plus it wasn't even that bad anyway" I laugh.

"It was!" She sits down strapping Elle in beside her.


"What's so bad about wanting to fuck my girlfriend?"

"I just don't want people to hear about our intimacy"

"Baby, I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm pretty sure they'll hear you anyway, pretty sure most people have heard you"

"Shut up!" She turns crimson.

I chuckle and strap myself in across form them. When the jet begins to move Elle opens her eyes tiredly and looks out the window in confusion.

During taking off both Brin and Elle giggled the whole time excited. I couldn't help but laugh at them in awe. They're definitely all I need.

We have a long ass flight no doubt I'll be fucking her on that bed in the back, that's all I'm thinking about now.

We've been in the air for four hours and I'm bored, all I keep thinking about is Brin in that bed, naked.

Elle and Brin are colouring in a colouring book at the table and have been for about forty minutes, I joined in for like five minutes but man, it's boring.

"You want a coffee?" I ask Brin.

"Yeah please" she smiles.

"Hunter" Brin shakes my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I open my eyes and sit up on the couch.

"I'm bored and Elle is sleeping now" she pouts and straddles my lap.

What time is it?

"How long have I been asleep for?" I ask.

"Like three hours" she shrugs.

"We've only been on this jet for seven hours!" I say in frustration.


"So, you wanna fuck or nah? To pass time?" I smirk. Not only to pass time, it's all I've been thinking about.

"Hunter!" She swats my arm.

"What!" I chuckle.

"I wanna hear the speedos story" she laughs.

"How about we compromise, we fuck and then I tell you?" I grin.

She narrows her eyes, I know she wants to otherwise she wouldn't have straddled my lap and got my dick all excited, she's just worried the pilot and shit will hear her.


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