Chapter 9 - Seven deadly sins

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Lexi. Jade. Alex.

These names ran through Madison's mind day in and day out. They were all she could think about.

She made a list of names. She crossed off the ones that were dead. There were 9 people on her list that were alive. How long would it be until there was only one? Or none?

The killer tormented her with his text. She was being watched. This made her extremely paranoid. Was she next to die? How far down the list was she? Or did he just want her to be the last one standing?

There were so many questions she had unanswered.

One late Thursday night, she sat in the centre of her bed with her legs crossed, still in a bold black outfit she wore at school, with the list lying in front of her.

Lexi died in an alleyway and her throat was slit. At least that's what Lexi's parents told her. She found Jade in the woods and there were huge slashes across her face. She could have easily had her throat slit as well. Alex had a knife struck into his neck. They all died by having their throat sliced open.

This was at least some kind of pattern in the deaths but she still felt like she was getting nowhere near to figuring out who the killer was.

She fell asleep soon after, her tiredness taking over her frustrated mind but was woken up an hour later just after midnight by the sound of her phone ringing.

She didn't bother to check the caller ID before answering it. If she had, she would've thrown her phone out of her bedroom window without a second thought.

"Hello?" She almost whispered into the phone, still half asleep. She pushed her hair out of her face and rubbed her eyes. Forcing herself to wake up.

"Can you come over? We need to talk." His voice was rough and cold but still recognisable.

She refrained from sighing heavily and pulled her duvet up close to her. The air was cold in her room. It was the middle of winter after all.

"What do you want, Logan?" She asked him, still considering hanging up and blocking his number straight away. She should have blocked it a long time ago. But no matter what she did she would never be able to block him or that night out of her life and her mind forever.

"Please?" He begged.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll be there in 10." She abruptly hung up the phone and changed from her pjs into some yoga pants and a workout top. She pulled a dark green knitted jumper over herself and threw on a pair of trainers before glancing at herself quickly in the mirror.

She fetched her car keys and her phone and made her way downstairs, hoping not to wake up her brother.

As she arrived at the devils house, she saw that the only light on in the house was the living room.

She hesitated for a moment before getting out of the car. She knew she was going to regret this big time. What on earth did he want to talk to her about? Or was this some sort of showdown about his plan with Jake for her demise.

She straightened herself up as she walked towards the front porch, preparing for battle.

However when she entered the house, he was alone, drinking away his sorrows on the living room couch, slightly swaying may I add.

Oh boy! She thought.

He drunk dialled her.

What an idiot!

He was doing her job for her. Now he could spill all his secrets and she wouldn't have to lift a finger.

She placed her car keys and her phone on the edge of the couch and snatched away the bottle of alcohol he was holding. She marched over to the kitchen and poured the remaining contents of the bottle into the sink for good measure.

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