Chapter 19 - Tell me you love me

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Liam was driving faster than usual as he drove across the state towards their hometown Graycott.

Home was the last place that Madison wanted to be, after what she saw, but there was nowhere else to go.

Once she had found Carter's body in the kitchen, Liam insisted that they leave immediately before the police arrive. Madison couldn't risk being caught at another crime scene when she still had murder charges against her.

They arrive home before 8pm and Liam parks on the corner of Madison's street, not wanting to catch any intention from Madison's parents. Or any patrolling police officers out and about.

"What the hell happened back there?!" Liam asks her, still sitting in the parked car.

Madison was left confused after finding Carter's body. He had clearly been poisoned. But why would he die like that? Why would the killer poison him instead of ripping his throat open like the others had been.

The connection between their deaths was lost. Why did the killer kill Carter differently? There had to be a reason.

Or maybe there wasn't one at all. Maybe they were being careless and weren't interested in keeping up the same pattern of deaths and instead they wanted him to die helplessly and slowly.

Maybe they even did it just to confuse her.

"I don't want to be alone tonight." Madison says to Liam.

"Will you stay over?" She asks him.

"Of course." He replies, sending her a small smile.

They sneaked into the house quietly, and crept into Madison's bedroom, keen on not waking up the rest of the family.

After all, Madison was supposedly sleeping over at Grace's house. At least, that's what she had told her parents.

Madison climbed into bed, feeling suddenly aware of how intimate this was going to be, as Liam climbs in next to her, still wearing his clothes.

They lie next to each other. Wide awake and staring at the ceiling.

"I'm worried about you, Madison." Liam confesses to her in the dark.

"Why?" She asks him.

"Because one of your friends is the killer. And I believe that they want you dead. They're doing all of this to threaten you." He answers.

"I don't want you to die." Liam continues. He grabs her hand and holds it in his, firmly. "I don't want to lose you."

She squeezes his hand as she says "you won't, I promise."

"How do you think this is going to end?" Liam asks her, turning on his side.

"I don't know. All I know is that I'm glad I met you, Liam. I've never connected with anyone like this before." She replied, turning to face him.

Liam lets go of her hand and pushes it through her hair. He places his hand on her cheek and smiles at her. Even though she can't see his face in the dark, he can't help but smile.

He pushes his lips fiercely onto hers, causing her heart to erupt with fireworks and her stomach to flip like butterflies chasing each other. Her whole body was saying yes to the boy who lay next to her.

And for once, her heart skipped a beat. She was falling for him. More than she thought she was.

She kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck, pushing her fingers through his hair.

She felt good with him. Powerful.

She thought she had power when she was the Queen. But that was nothing compared to being with Liam.

In her mind, she felt like she could take over the world. As long as she had him by her side, she could do anything she set her heart on.

But if this was going to last, she wanted to take things slow with him. To make sure, this was for real. So she backed away from the kiss.

"We should take things slow. This is only going to work if we take it one step at a time." She tells him.

"I understand." Liam replies.

The heat between them was still burning on, as Madison laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes, feeling at peace.


The next morning, Madison woke up alone. It was as if Liam was never even there. Except that there was note with her name on it, sitting on her night-stand.

"I thought it would be best if I left before your parents woke up. I hope you know that I will do anything I can to protect you. Its like you said, I've never felt like this with anyone before."

She smiled at the note. It was so sweet. Something Logan would never dream of doing for her.

"The thing is, the reason that I don't want to lose you is because I think that I'm falling for you, Madison Black. I think I'm falling really hard for you."

Her dreamy thoughts of a happy ending between them was cut short when the doorbell rang.

"Madison will you get the door please?" Her mother shouted to Madison from the kitchen.

Madison sighed and went to answer the door.

Her eyes were wide and she suddenly felt breathless when she opened the door, as Mrs Bradley was the last person she would expect to see standing at her door.

Although Mrs Bradley didn't know that Madison was responsible for the deaths of two of her children. And Madison hoped to god that she would never find out.

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