Chapter 14 - Murder in the first degree

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It was a deathly stale smell that hit Madison square in the face as she was pushed through the doorway of an empty jail cell.

The room was bare. Except for a small single bed, covered in stained old sheets and a low basin standing next to it. There was a steel bucket underneath and Madison didn't want to even think about what that was for; although she had a pretty good idea.

She sat on the bed and felt it creak below her. What the hell was the Queen doing here?! How could the Queen herself, end up in jail?!

She had a plan, to escape Graycott and run away to Italy. This had been her plan since junior year but now all hope in her ever leaving, faded away, as she sat in silence, refusing to cry over the mess that was her life.

The door was suddenly shoved open and she jumped at the sound. A police officer stood at the door and stomped over to her in a hurry.

"Your bail has been paid, so you're free to go. For now." He told her sternly, clearly not happy with her release. He briefly glanced at her before removing the handcuffs which had clearly left deep scars on her wrists as she gently massaged them. "You'll find your belongings at the front desk." He continued.

She let him lead her to the front of the police station where she found her brother, Ollie, standing by the front doors.

Although that was to be expected. He was family after all. What she didn't expect to see, was Liam standing next to him.


"Come on Mads! Just talk to him!" Ollie pleaded with her as they walked through the parking lot to her brother's car.

"Shut up Ollie." Madison snapped at her brother. She was in no mood to talk to Liam. She didn't want to hear what he had to say, or maybe she just wasn't ready to.

The car ride was silent the whole way home, except for Ollie giving Madison side glances every now and then and Liam tapping his foot on the floor, nervously.

Madison didn't know why he was here. She knew him and her brother, Ollie, were friends, but they weren't close.

She just wanted to be left alone but that was clearly not going to happen.

She dumped her bag in the entrance hallway of the guesthouse when they arrived home and stomped towards the kitchen to escape the boys and get some food. No way was she going to have any prison food. Disgusting...

She was halfway through opening a box of cereal when Liam walked in. She could hear Ollie's distant footsteps heading to his bedroom.

Her face blank of emotion as she stared at him. He looked nervous and afraid. This comforted her, knowing that he was at least suffering after completely betraying her.

"What do you want?" She said, turning away to face the sink and poured herself a glass of water.

"I've been afraid of Logan Bradley since I was 3 years old. One summer, there was a big family reunion..." Liam started to tell her.

Madison kept her back to him but listened as he continued to tell her the story.

"We were swimming in this big pool in their backyard. We had our armbands on and we were swimming in the shallow end but the water was still deep for us at that age. It was just me and Logan at one point as everyone else was in the house."

There was a pause of silence before Liam continued.

"One second we were playing catch with a frisbee, next thing I knew he was pushing me under."

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