Chapter 20 - A guilty conscience

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"You were the best thing that ever happened to my dear Logan." Mrs Bradley tells Madison as they sit in a coffee shop near the shopping mall, sipping their hot drinks.

"I bet you miss him a lot." Madison replied, unable to think of anything else to say to that statement.

She was certainly not the best thing to happen to Logan. In fact she was the worst thing to ever happen to him in his life. And he was the worst for hers.

They were soulmates. They were meant to be. Their fates were binding. One of them was meant to kill the other in the end. Madison was just surprised that she was the one to be left standing.

"Losing two children, both so young, with so much potential. I can't say it hasn't been hard." Logan's mother confesses.

"I'm sorry for all that you've lost, Mrs Bradley." Madison says, truthfully.

"Oh don't be sorry, honey. You have nothing to be sorry for."

But Madison was sorry. Her guilt was written all over her face. But it seemed that Mrs Bradley didn't even notice it. So lost in her grief.

"I lost my son. But you lost the love of your life. You know, Logan went down a very dark path when you two broke up. It broke my heart to know that you two had ended the relationship. You were both destined for great things, and together you could do anything."

It was strange how Mrs Bradley felt that way about Madison and Logan when Madison felt the same way, but instead, about her and Liam.

"Madison, I came to speak to you because I wanted to ask you if you would speak at Logan's funeral?" Mrs Bradley asked her.

Madison straightened up in her seat. To be honest, she was considering not even attending the funeral. But she had no choice but to accept Mrs Bradley's proposal. This was something that she couldn't get out of.

Although she wasn't exactly keen on speaking at the funeral of the boy she had killed.


The next day, Elena's funeral took place. The gang agreed to meet at the church before the funeral started. They were still grieving for Carter, who had been found dead in Adam's beach house and Logan, whose body had recently been discovered and identified.

The gang were swarmed within their grief. They had to say goodbye to each friend. One after the other. Grief came in many different forms that day.

Grayson was still heartbroken over Lola's rejection and the recent death of his best friend and seemed to not want to talk to any of them.

Lola was barely keeping it together over Carter's death, while Adam and Grace comforted her the best they could.

Brooke was quiet. Eerily quiet. Usually the one to kiss up to Madison every chance she got. But today, she was all out of energy and seemed distant from everyone.

Jake was drinking out of a flask, not bothering to hide it. The vile smell of alcohol drifting from his flask, wafted through the graveyard like gas set to light.

Madison wasn't present at all, as she was still thinking about what Mrs Bradley had said to her the day before. How she and Logan were destined for great things. That was something she never believed.

Although, once upon a time, she did see them riding off into the sunset together, but those were the days when she only saw shiny, angelic, golden boy and king Logan.

Soon after, she discovered his dark side. Or really, his true self. And the fantasy of her and Logan having a happy ending quickly faded.

The funeral went by in a blur, although she could feel Liam's hand in hers and that made her feel safe. Knowing he was right there with her, holding her up. Keeping her going, through all of it.

Saying goodbye to Elena was difficult to say the least. Madison noticed that Jake Owens seemed more moody than usual. Maybe it was because he never got a chance to be with the girl he loved.

After the funeral, the gang headed towards the town council building, where outside, the town memorial was due to take place.

The group of friends stood together with the rest of the town, around the memorial statue. There were flowers and pictures of their dead friends that lay on the base of the statue, commemorating them.

Each of their friends went up to the statue and lay down a red rose on it. Madison was last to go and she lay down one red rose next to Lexi's picture and another next to Logan's.

After all, she had to keep up the image of the grieving ex-girlfriend.

She stood back, joining her friends back in the crowd. A two minute silence took place, across the town.

The town square was silent, except for birds chirping, the sound of the wind blowing around them, and the distant ringing noise of the church bells from across the other side of town.

Madison's phone suddenly vibrated in her coat pocket. She heard the faint sounds of vibrations coming from her friends phones at the same time. They briefly looked at each other, knowing who the text was from.

Madison braced herself for impact as she opened the text message.

The text read - 'If any of you think this is over. You're sorely mistaken. I'm far from done.'

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