Chapter 5 - Cold-hearted bitch

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Trust. Trust is fragile. Once it shatters. There are only broken pieces left. There's no point trying to fix the shattered glass. Because it will never be the same.

Madison struts through the crowds and heads towards her boyfriend.

She grabs his neck with one hand and the other hand ruffles through his hair. She fiercely pushes her lips onto his and they fall into a passionate kiss. She feels Jake's hands tighten around her waist and pull her in closer.

She suddenly breaks away from the kiss, leaving Jake breathless and surprised.

She grabs a glass of champagne as she exits the roof, making her way downstairs.

Now it was his move. His turn to play.


Madison downs her glass of champagne and heads to the bathroom to check her make-up.

When she leaves, she hears some kissing and moans from around the corner.

She peers round to find Lola pressed up against the wall, and Grayson kissing her neck.

Madison slightly raises her eyebrows at the sight of them. Even though she's a little surprised, she always knew Lola would end up cheating on Carter. They were never going to last. But with Carter's best friend? Now that's a cold-hearted bitch for sure.

Question is, what did Carter do to make Lola that mad?


Madison makes her way out to the backyard where she thinks Grace will be.

As she gets to the end of the path leading to a bench at the bottom of the yard, she realises that her best friend is nowhere to be seen.

She checks her messages and social media and sighs. She was so bored of this little town. She just needed some kind of escape.

She sits on the bench, resting her head back, looking up at the stars.

The fairy lights that hung over the bench catch her attention. If they weren't turned on she would've never have seen it.

On the ground next to the bench lies a thick pool of blood.

An alarm rings through Madison's head as she stares at the blood next to her.

It takes her straight back to that night.

"What the fuck did you make me do?"

"It has to be done. She knew too much."

They pick up the shovels and throw them into the deep hole in the ground covering the dead girl.

As Madison looks down, she sees blood covering her white jeans and light-coloured shirt. She knew she needed to burn it all as soon as she was done here.

"Why couldn't we just threaten her?" Madison asks, feeling her arms ache from lifting the shovel so much.

"Because it would never be enough." Logan replies, his voice as cold as ice.

"It never is enough for you is it? Nothing ever is. Not even me." Madison says, feeling her walls break down one by one.

Madison gets up from the bench, kneeling down over the blood. Her eyes follow the trail of red and sees that it leads to the eerily haunted Blacksalt Woods behind Grace's house.

She uses her phone as a torch, still following the blood.

Madison's hand goes to her mouth, and her body goes numb in shock as she stares at the horrific scene in front of her.

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