You Two Get In A Fight

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You two fight at least every other day. However, they are usually just you two bickering about stupid stuff and quickly making up and back to your lovely selves. However, he believed that you made him feel weak and that sometimes you felt as though he never really loves you. So Bakugou wanted to break up. You walked out of his dorm into yours and chose not talk to him.

He hurts himself all the time as we all know. You're afraid that he might not be able to heal from recovery girl. You tried to explain to him that he needed to stop trying to prove himself all the time as it was starting to affect his health. He told you that he was doing it to become a better hero and you could either take it or leave it. You hated seeing him in pain ,so you choose leave it

It's his father. He hates his father so much ,but that's obvious. When his father wants a second chance you try to convince him to take the chance. After all, you thought it would be best if the two tried again if it meant that Todoroki could have a real relationship with his father. Todoroki thought you were pushing things to far and broke up with you.

He thought it would be best to take some time apart. He felt that you were too good for him and you deserved better. He was kinda casted under your shadow in both junior and high school.

He flirted with other girls constantly. You told him until he learned commitment, that you two were done.

You didn't think it was possible for someone to be too committed and righteous. That was until you met Tenya Iida of coarse. Sometimes he would make you upset and feel like a bad person for not being his perfect idea of a hero and overall human being. You told him you needed a break.

He talked bad about your class at times. About how they had these perfect quirks, perfect for the spotlight and all that. How arrogant and narrow minded they were too. You got angery because you were one of them. Even if he wasn't talking directly to you ,you felt like it was about you in way. Either way, these were your friends he was talking about. You defended them and explained to him why he wouldn't understand, causing you and him to break up.

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