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If you don't plan on wanting children at all you might as well consider the scenarios ended for you, because that's what these last few will be about. I'm not sure how many more I'm doing exactly, but at least 1 more. (Actually I plan on doing a separate chapter for each family to do an overview on the children and then 1 more chapter to describe the family as a whole.)


3 children. A girl, then a boy, then another girl. Each two years apart.


1 boy and 1 girl. The boy is three years older than the girl.


You have a daughter that is 4 years older than your pair of twin boys.


Oh boy. 5 children. All boys except the youngest. Boy A is 2 years older than Boy B. Boy C and Boy D are twins. Boy B is 4 years older than the twins. The twins are 3 years older than the only girl. Not exactly planned.


One girl. That's it. You two decided to put all of your love into one person. 


Two boys that are 2 years apart.


4 children. Literally boy, girl, boy, girl. Each about 2-3 years apart.

Some have been torn apart by the wrath that is pregnancy than others...Twas fate.

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