What Your Family Thinks

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Your father could care less. Since he's always working, he met Bakugou once. Bakugou was actually polite because you were close to him and he actually really respected your father. Your mother didn't like him so much. It's not that Bakugou was rude, more like he couldn't to your mom talk down to you like that. He hates your sister. You find it a bit humorous when he calls her ugly even though she's your twin. But since you're not identical, you back him up anyways. 


Your father treats him as most protective fathers do. Respectfully, but cautious for their little girl. Your mother adores him. Your brother already met him before and they're pretty close, so they bond easily. He's sweet, kind, and polite by nature so meeting the parents who are fairly normal, was a walk in the park. 


Your parents LOVE him. Your father is all buddy-buddy with him like he's the son he never had. Your mom is the absolute kindest to him most of the time. Other times, she's like a momma bear and will threaten him if he hurts you. They even let you two alone in your room with the door closed. It's almost unsettling. However, they are a very affectionate couple when they are not working, so they probably could care less as long as you don't get pregnant, but even then they always talk about how cute it would be to have grandkids.


You introduced him to your parents and that was it. They never told you what they thought about him and weren't particularly rude or anything. More passive-aggressive. Asking him questions about his quirk, how it works, if it's anything like yours if it's destructive. Kiri told you he doesn't mind, but you felt bad anyway. It was one of those things with your parents, where they weren't straight up with you as you wanted, but you still didn't really want to know at the same time.


They are not fans of him. He's not very smart, he's didn't make it far in the sports festival, he's big on PDA, and he loves videogames and parties, unlike your brothers. He wasn't like your brothers at all and that was what your parents didn't like. He wasn't a "perfect fit" for the family like they would say. They wish you wouldn't date him and think he's a bad influence, but you continue to love and date him.


Tenya made a wonderful first impression on your parents. He was an absolute gentleman and your parents said: "We wouldn't mind seeing more of him." Which you weren't exactly sure what that means. Shoto, thinks of him a friend you suppose, after all, he did save Tenya's life. Your other two cousins think he's kind too, but Natsuo thinks he's too uptight. 


Your mom loves him. He never met your dad, because he's in jail mostly. Shinso wants to be a hero after all, and him meeting your villain dad in jail, would be weird for everyone. So you tried to stay away from that. Kota actually likes him, which you weren't expecting since Kita doesn't really like anyone. But those two bond in ways you can't with him since he's a boy, and you don't know what it's like to be a boy at that age. 

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