Kirishima Family

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Ignore the Picture; There's a lot of kids

Child 1

Sex: Male

Quirk: N/A

.Black hair and red eyes

.Hates being the only quirkless one in his family

.Major Nerd alert

.He wants to be a scientist

.Thinks his family's a little crazy

.His little sister was his favorite until she got her quirk

Child 2

Sex: Male

Quirk: Earth Manipulation

.Black hair

.Whatever color eyes you have

.Upbeat and confident

.Defiantly wants to be a hero and has the attitude and quirk for it too

.Trys to be supportive and understanding to his older brother

.Favors his dad I guess

Child 3

Sex: Male

Quirk: Venomous Bite

.Your hair color

.Eijiro's eyes

.Mean but like in an accurate way

.Kinda hates on everyone for kicks

.But he doesn't physically act out

.Manipulative AF

Child 4

Sex: Male

Quirk: Poisonous gas(Not that type of gas; but he can emmit it off his skin)

.Eijiro's NATURAL hair color

.Your eye color


.super athletic though

.He's genuinely kind

.Does all the dirty work for his twin

Child 5

Sex: Female

Quirk: Hellhound(Similar to yours but can turn into a hellhound instead)

.Red hair and Gray eyes

.Also has shark-like teeth

.Keeps to herself

.She'd kinda like the Ginny Weasley of the family

.Gets called a monster at school quite a bit

.Is literally what her grandparents(You're parents) feared the most

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