A Bit Of Your Childhood Included

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.Constant training once you had gotten your quirk
.Going to private PreSchool, but a public primary school and junior high school
.Your father being American
.Him living in a penthouse
.Your mother living in a Manison
.Your father being the best detective in his precinct
. Him always working
. You and your twin sister almost never getting along
. Her always getting attention
. Shopping was one of the few things you actually enjoyed doing together
.Both of you hating your mom's side of the family
. Your American relatives adore you even though you only see them about once a year
.Todoroki being your only friend until primary school
.Your mother making you and sister duel constantly
. You winning
. You and Todoroki being forced to duel a lot
. Him winning
. Anger Issues

. Your brother showing you off
. "Look what my sister can do, watch!"
. Knowing Tamaki since you were little
. No one really noticing you and Mirio were siblings
. Him being the best older brother
. "Fine I'll sneak you an extra cookie, but only because your adorable."
. You being used to him being a popular kid
. You being the unpopular kid
. Your parents constantly bragging about him
. Helping your brother train
. Hanging out by yourself at family reunions
. No one thinking you'll make it to the hero coarse
. "The farthest you'll get is the support coarse."
. You believing it but trying because your brother believed in you
. Dressing up as Thirteen one Halloween
. Watching the UA sports festival every year
. Being embarrassed for your brother
. Being super emotional

. Your parents being busy a lot
. Not being able to tell everyone that your parents are heros
. No one knowing that they're married
. Hating how your mom is always so sexualized online(imagine how awkward to is with Mineta commenting about your mom)
. Being alone in the penthouse alot
. Going to the same private schools as Todoroki
.Him freaking out when you told him about your parents
. Having really big birthday parties
. Having SO many stuffed animals
. Dressing up as your mom one year when you were a toddler
. Not childhood, but running into Mineta when you came home from internships to find him there cleaning.(All the hints that your father lived there were hidden)
. Using the indoor pool a lot
. Wearing your moms heels when playing dress up
. Having a lot of friends
. Most of them just being friends with you because your popular
. You and your dad watching every highschool musical movie ever made

. Everyone being scared of you   
. No one would ever guess Midnight is your aunt                                                                                                     . Your parents being engineers
. Being a tad bit psychotic at a young age
. People thinking you'd be a villian
. Making a bad first impression with your second grade teacher.
. You first discovered your quirk that day and almost pulled off her arm
. People have been scared of you ever since
. Going to Quirk Consoling about once a week
. Accidentally bulldozing Kirishima on your first day at his school
. Being best friends with Mina since then
."Say what you want ,but your quirk is the coolest!"
. Not being the best in school
. Having the attention span of a toddler
. You and Kirishima constantly relating
. Ripping your dress by accident on the way to your first school dance

. Getting piggyback rides from your oldest brother
. You and Him pranking Tenya constantly
. Getting read to sleep by someone almost every night
. Being considered gifted academically through school
. Loving miniature marshmallows
. Learning how to catch them in your mouth(you're an expert now)
. Your room looking like a library
. Being the only sibling that loves video games
. Watching Sci-fi shows and movies every weekend night
. Actually enjoying school
. Being too smart for your own good
. Adults calling you a smartass
. Setting up Dollhouses, Traintracks, etc, to look very realistic
. Being able to read Harry Potter in the third grade
. Knowing the dewey decimal  system by first grade
.  Your mother trying to get you interested in shopping
. You becoming bored
. Being class president your third year

. Getting your quirk late
. Killing your goldfish on accident once discovering it
. You being scared of Endeavor
. Finding out about what happened to Shoto minutes after it happened
. You being taller than him until the 4th grade
. Losing the family cat
. You crying about it for an hour
. You went into a purple phase for a few months in the 5th grade
. "No absoulty not. Purple is my official color now."
. Your relatives always wanting to embarrass you about it
. Fuyumi always hanging out with you
. Having an obsession with popsicles
. Actually not enjoying water except to shower/bathe
. Not knowing how to swim
.Always in a "nappy" mood
. Having like twenty blankets
. Always being cold
. Owning more socks in a single year than most people own in lifetime
. Trying to have the most 'sophisticated' tea parties
. Including Fuyumi, Shoto, Natsuo, and Toya in them
. Crying when Toya disappeared
. Blaming Endeavor

. Loving cats(ironic much)
. Knowing how to swim even though you hate water
. Actually not minding warm water
. Making pillowforts
. Scared of thunder
. Being scared of Tiger for a little while
. Consistering Pixie-bob and Ragdoll as your aunts
. When your aunt and uncle were killed you were went to consoling for a few months
. Being really close with Kota
. Dressing up as somethig cat related every Halloween til Junior High
. Knowing almost every K-pop band
.Sleeping a lot
. Practicing the chicken dance in your room for the 6th grade dance because you were worried that you were doing it wrong
. Going through a phase where you hung upside down until you almost lost circulation
. Loving heights
. Once got tangled in yarn for a school project and had to wait until your mom got home
. Went to ballet classes  throughout primary school
. Doing gymnastics also

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