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A/N: I'm currently rewriting the entire book. If it doesn't make sense at some point this is probably the reason why.

  For long I was unaware of his existence. Merely a vague image of him appeared in my dreams every other night. I always thought it was something I made up because I longed for him more than I realized. It wasn't until my mother passed that I was informed on the whereabouts of my father.

A letter had come to me, written by Dumbledore. It was like my dreams were becoming reality but under the worst circumstances possible. I expected to be excited but instead I felt frustration towards everyone. How could they keep something like this from me? I felt betrayed by everyone who knew this. Besides, it was the worst timing ever. How was I supposed to meet my father when I just lost the one person who meant the most to me?

Yet here I was, walking into the narrow hallway of Grimmauld's place. Dumbledore walked ahead of me and led me further into the dusty house. Commotion was heard from the other side of a wooden door. An inviting smell of dinner made its way into my nostrils and my stomach growled thinking about it.

Dumbledore looked over his shoulder, asking my permission to open the door. There was no way to prepare myself so I merely nodded. I straightened my posture once the door was opened. Everyone inside the room went silent. It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. I stepped into view and got goosebumps feeling all the eyes burn on me.

"Everyone I'm pleased to introduce you to Kaia Black." Dumbledore announced.

My eyes fell on the one person I was anxious to meet. His grey eyes met my hazel ones. His dark hair was long and nearly fell onto his shoulders. He looked exactly like I expected him to appear yet so different. He raised from his seat and stepped towards me, towering me with his height.

I felt my heart pound in my chest and waited for his next movement. I couldn't bring myself to do anything but wait anxiously. I expected him to awkwardly shake my hand but instead he pulled me into his embrace and I felt goosebumps everywhere.

His scent was warm and welcoming, it had a touch of smoke and cinnamon. His strong arms held me and for a moment I felt myself leaning into it. Then I remembered how bizarre it was that I was only meeting him then, after all those seventeen years.

I pulled away and brushed some hair out of my eyes. He smiled kindly at me but returning it was harder than I expected.

I was relieved when the silence was broken and I got introduced to the unfamiliar faces. I was introduced to the Weasleys, though she told me a few of them were still missing. Hermione Granger introduced herself, she spoke in a wise manner and beamed a smile at me. Then came Harry Potter, he struggled to say his name out loud, expecting me to freak out. Of course I already recognized him from the papers so there was no shocked reaction.

Remus Lupin and Tonks introduced themselves to me, both kind and welcoming people. And when I was finally getting ready to sit down at the table two certain redheads came barging into the room. Their hair gave away they were a part of the big Weasley family. They faces went in shock seeing my presence. One of them in particular caught my eyes, though they were twins I could instantly tell them apart. I had always been one to observe the small details.

Both of them had gorgeous brown eyes and freckles covering parts of their faces. Their shoulders were broad, making me feel even smaller.

"You must be Kaia Black, I'm Fred, the better looking one of the two." Fred shook my hand in an enthusiastic manner, nearly ripping my hand off. The two towered me to say the least. Though it wasn't anything new to me, I had always been the smallest one around.

"Oi! Watch your mouth Freddie! I'm George, the one with manners." he grinned and gently shook my hand. I managed to smile at their introductions and said "Nice to meet you." Their heads perked up hearing my voice, it was probably the evident accent. I grew up speaking two languages but Bulgarian would always be my mother language.

"You must be awfully hungry, dear. Why don't you sit down and eat something?" Mrs Weasley asked. I nodded smilingly and took a seat in between Remus and Harry.

"So, Kaia, I heard you attended the Durmstrang Institute, is that right?" Remus asked, eager to know more. I already liked his vibe, it made me feel at ease.

I nodded with a mouth full of food and noticed how all the eyes were on me. I swiftly swallowed the food, in case they asked another question.

"Isn't that school boys only?" asked the youngest Weasley, Ginny. I grinned to myself and nodded. "Yeah, it—" before I could finish she scrunched her nose up in disgust and interrupted saying "That must get awfully boring, I mean I should know, growing up surrounded by a dozen brothers."

Her brothers shot her a glare which I found amusing. But I had to admit, being surrounded by boys was all I knew, I was better off with boys instead of girls.

"I actually quite enjoyed it." I answered. Fred and George smirked widely at Ginny like they just won a medal. Ginny rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Wait, you went to school with Viktor Krum?" asked Ron. I noticed how Hermione lowered her head to try and hide the blushing cheeks. I knew exactly why she acted the way she did.

"Viktor's my cousin and yeah, him and I went to school together." I explained and grinned thinking about Viktor. Though a tight knot occurred in my stomach. I already missed him more than I thought was possible.

Dinner went on and I got asked a million questions. When everyone finished their plates they even went on to find out more about me. Except for my father who remained quiet, anxious to say the wrong thing. But it was for the best, I wasn't keen on getting to know him surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

Let me tell you I was relieved when they finally showed my room. A small bedroom with only a bed and a cupboard for my clothes. I plopped on the soft mattress and sighed in exhaustion. I didn't even take time to change in my pajamas and fell asleep within seconds.

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