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[George's POV] 

"They're at Hogwarts!" mom came running into the living room, looking panicky as always "We have to meet hem there, hurry!"

"What? Who is?" I asked. 

"Harry, Ron and Hermione. Voldemort will know soon." 

"So what now?" Fred looked me in the eyes, for the first time in forever he looked genuinely frightened of what was coming next, we all knew what to expect. 

"The order has to come and support them, we think it's an end to all of this."

"Ok, I'll get ready."

"Should I wake Kaia?" Fred asked. 

"No!" I shook my head "She can't come, it's too dangerous for her and the baby." 

Fred hesitated knowing many things could go wrong but he agreed with me. Kaia can't come.

I ran upstairs, put my shoes on and quietly watched Kaia. She was asleep, looking very peaceful. I kissed her on the head and left a small note on the bedside table. 

"I love you, Kaia."

[Kaia's POV]

I yawned and stretched my arms out. It was still dark outside but George was nowhere to be found. Maybe he's still downstairs?

But then I noticed the piece of parchment laying on the bedside table. I turned the light on and read the few words. 

"My love Kaia, 

The order has been called to support Harry and the others at Hogwarts, Voldemort knows. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it.

I love you so much.


"No!" I jumped up and freaked out. I changed into some clothes, tied my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed my wand. 

You don't just leave like that, Weasley. 

I ran downstairs, the entire house was empty and quiet besides my footsteps. I ran outside and apparated as soon as I could. I apparated outside, near Hagrid's old cabin. 

A thousand of screams and explosions were heard from inside the castle. Smoke filled the air and fire was seen from inside and outside the castle. 

I ran towards the high walls of the castle and kept running until I sneaked inside. The corridors were full of dust and fallen parts of the wall. Far ahead of me I could see jinxes flying around. I kept running until I was in the middle of all of it. 

Students, teachers and others were fighting against death eaters, snatchers, spiders, giants and the list goes on. 


I turned around and locked eyes with Remus "Remus!" 

"What are you doing here? You need to leave!" he yelled but it was almost unable for me to hear due to everything happening around me. 

A death eater was about to aim for me with a jinx but I managed to dug down and return the favour "Stupefy!" the death eater fell onto the ground. 

"Remus! Behind you!" I screamed but it was too late. A green light shot right into Remus's chest and his body fell onto the dusty bricks. Life left his body. 

It took a few seconds before I realised I wasn't breathing. Anger and sadness rushed through my body all at once. I was overwhelmed but managed to run after the monster who had caused it. It was Antonin Dolohov.

I sent jinxes at him but he was clever enough to notice me chasing him. Suddenly a small figure turned around the corner "Avada Kadavra!" Filius Flitwick yelled. Dolohov fell onto the ground, dead.

Filius shot his head up to look at me and nodded with tears in his eyes. I gave him a nod back realising I had tears of my own but I couldn't be weak now. I had to find George

I continued running until I ran into the courtyard. It was a chaos but my eyes searched for George. A redhead with chocolate brown eyes that I loved. I began shouting his name over and over. I had to see him, if only one more time, that was all I needed.

"Expelliarmus!" I disarmed a snatcher before he could sent a jinx to a student. He groaned and ran away. 

I kept calling George but an answer remained nonexistent. People were fighting all around me, the bodies on the ground were numerous.

"Kaia Black, I've been waiting for you." I turned to look at the familiar monstrous voice, Bellatrix Lestrange. 

"Avad-" before she could finish her sentence she got pushed onto the ground by a jinx. I looked over my shoulder and realised it was Ethan Malfoy. 

"Ethan?" I had tears in my eyes still and locked eyes with Ethan. He smiled and nodded. I had never forgotten about him but I never knew that his love for 'Raven' had been real. Besides his rude facade he was an actual good person.

"Avada Kadavra!

Ethan fell onto the ground and my screams filled the air once again "No!"

I turned around and shot a thousand of stunning spells at the devil herself, Bellatrix. But all she did was laugh evilly. Then she turned to me "Crucio!" 

I fell onto the ground hitting my head on a rock, I instantly felt the cut made into my head and the blood dripping down.

"This seems familiar, doesn't it?" she smirked as she stepped closer. 

"I hate yo-" I screamed from the pain as she shot the curse at me again but the scream didn't rise above her laugh. 

"Stupefy!" Fred yelled and pulled me up after. Fred was covered in dust and blood. 


"Kaia, what are you doing here? You shouldn't have-"

"Where's George? Is he ok?" 

"I don't know." 

I hugged Fred and grabbed his hand wanting to pull him with me to search for his twin brother.

"Your head.." Fred reached for the blood on my head but I shook my head.

"I'm fine, let's go." 

We began running inside the castle again. Tears were welling up in my eyes as we passed all those bodies. My mind went back and forth between Remus and Ethan. 

We ran up the stairs to find George since it was the last place Fred had seen him. 


"Fred. Kaia?" 

"Have you seen George?" 

Percy shook his head but suddenly his eyes widened as he looked over our shoulders. I turned around but before I could see anything I heard my ears ring. My body got crushed, I couldn't move properly, it felt like my bones had been broken. 

My sight was blurry until it wasn't and I acknowledged a broken off piece of the ceiling had fallen on top of me and FRED!

I began screaming his name but all I could see was a hand coming out from under the rocks shaking slightly. I grabbed ahold of it but the shaking stopped. 

Besides my arm and head I couldn't move anything as I was covered in rocks. But that didn't matter to me at that moment all I could care about was Fred. I continuously yelled his name. 

Someone removed the rocks carefully from mine and Fred's body. I got picked up along with Fred's body. That's when it hit me, Fred wasn't moving, his usual smirk was gone, his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. I cried hysterically even though it made my body hurt even more. My heart was broken

Fred Weasley, my best friend, was never coming back. Worse, George had just lost his twin brother. 

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