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"Time for presents!" Mrs Weasley announced and clapped her hands in excitement. She stood at the end of the dining table and handed each person a gift.

"And a big box for Ron." Ron looked very excited as he ripped the wrapping open.

"And uhm— oh Fred and George. Come on, open up. I want to see your faces." George and Fred shared a look and each began opening their presents. They both pulled a long scarf out of the wrappings. They looked very pleased with their gifts and wrapped them around their necks.

"And one for you, Kaia. Merry Christmas." Mrs Weasley handed me a small box. I smiled widely saying "Merry Christmas, mrs Weasley."

I unwrapped the box and quickly opened it up, excited to see what was inside of it. I pulled a red sweater out of the box. It was made by mrs Weasley and a yellow letter K was seen on top of it. I pulled the sweater of my head and smiled looking down at it.

George smiled at me and squeezed my thigh from underneath the table, a small gesture that made my stomach flutter once again.

Breakfast was delicious, mrs Weasley had outdone herself once again with the delicious foods. I caught my dad standing in the doorway and smiled widely at him. He returned the smile and walked up behind me. Before I knew it he put a beautiful silver necklace around my neck. A charm hung from the chain, the letter K.

"It's beautiful, dad. Thank you, I love it."

"A Christmas toast to mr Harry Potter without whom I would not be here." Mr Weasley held his glass in the air, as did the rest of us.



I squealed and jumped into Viktor's arms. He chuckled and swung me around the room.
I squealed in excitement and jumped into Viktor's arms. He chuckled and swung me around the room.

"I missed you so much, Vik."

"I missed you too, Kai."

We must've been hugging for quite some time until I decided it was time for him to meet the others. I led him to the living room where everyone was seated.

"Everyone, this is Viktor, my cousin and best friend."

Once Viktor got to George, George seemed to be somewhat frightened. I looked down at their hands and noticed George's hand turning slightly white of Viktor's tight grip. I giggled and made my way to George's side as Viktor shook the hands of the others.

I couldn't help but notice how Hermione's cheeks were burning up and realized it was because Viktor took her to the Christmas Ball during the triwizard tournament. I remembered how Viktor couldn't stop talking about this stunning girl when he got home.

"So, this is the famous Viktor Krum I've heard so much about? You've grown much since I held you as a baby." Dad said.

"Have you been talking about me, Kai?" Viktor asked looking at me from over his shoulder. I grinned to myself thinking about how Ron talked more about Viktor than I did. But to spare Ron the embarrassment I nodded saying "Of course, you're my best friend, Vik."

Viktor smirked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Standing next to him made me feel even smaller. I turned to face him and raised my eyebrows.

"Have you grown or have I simply shrunk?"

"I think both." Viktor chuckled. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder.

We all sat down in the living room. I sat in between George and Viktor, feeling lucky in their presence. George had his arm wrapped around my waist, making me feel safe in his embrace.

Meanwhile Viktor had taken it upon himself to share our many adventures. I was quite impressed with how good he spoke in English since he could barely say an entire sentence when I last saw him.

"You should have seen her, that girl not afraid of anything. She broke about fifty school rules just to free a dragon because she pitied him for being locked up." Viktor chuckled.

"You freed a dragon? How?" Ginny asked, looking me in the eyes and being very caught up into the story like the others.

Viktor eyed at me and smirked as he probably relived the memory. I grinned to myself.

"She climbed on top of the dragon and broke the chains with her wand. She made him fly into the air with her still on top of him." Viktor shook his head and laughed before saying "She came back hours later smiling like nothing even happened."

"That certainly is a daughter of yours, Sirius." Remus said, eyeing at my father who nodded proudly.

"What did you do, Viktor?" Ron asked.

I tilted my head back and laughed. Viktor pinched my arm and shook his head as a warning but I didn't take the warning and explained what he did "He hid behind a door, too scared to get burned by the dragon's flames."

Viktor rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me making me laugh even harder. Ron was obviously disappointed to hear his hero acting not so heroic which made it even funnier.

The night was spent reliving many memories. Even dad couldn't stop talking about his memories with the marauders. Looking around the room I felt extremely lucky to be there. Yes, my mother should have been there with me but she wasn't and I had to accept that.

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now