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Only a week of school was left before the easter holidays. I knew the holidays wouldn't be much fun as I had tons of studying to do for the upcoming exams. But I didn't mind as much as you'd expect. George and I weren't talking as much as before. So I definitely had the time for it.

"That's it, detention it is for you, miss Black. Maybe that will teach you a lesson for not paying attention."

I looked up from my book in annoyance. I sighed dramatically and loud enough for her to hear. I was more than fed up with her and the exhausting nightmares made it hard not to snap back at her.

"Is there a problem, dear?"

"Oh, no not at all, Professor Umbitch."

She gasped once the nickname rolled off my tongue. Even though I had wanted to call her that to her face from day one I was slightly disappointed in myself for losing it. The other students either laughed or gasped in shock but I couldn't care less. Umbridge her face was boiling, I was going to regret it later but was over it more than anything. I grabbed my books and shoved my table forwards. I jumped from my chair and scowled as I headed for the exit.

"Miss Black, you stop right there!" Umbridge yelled but I ignored her and slammed the door shut behind me.

I sat down in the courtyard and sighed in relief of walking out the classroom. But my hands were still balled in fists.

Almost instantly I felt a presence behind me until they sat next to me. It didn't take much for me to know who it was.

"Kaia? What's wrong?" asked George.

"What's wrong? It's easier to tell you what's right, it would be a much shorter list."

George sighed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. But I winched and jumped up from the bench.

"What is it? You've been acting weird for weeks,"

"I have? How would you even know that?"

"Because I see you every day,"

I shook my head and turned around to face him. He looked more confused than ever, he was oblivious to how he made me feel. But as always I even questioned if that was his or my own damn fault.

"You're right, you do see me every day. But that's just it, you only look at me. I can't even remember the last time we had an actual conversation."

"You know I've been really busy with the jo—"

"Yes, the joke shop. It's always the joke shop."

"What are you on about, Kaia? You're supposed to be happy for me and Fred. This has been our dream since as far as I can remember."

"You think I'm not happy for you? But I can't live with just that. I'm not that girl who is just going to sit around and pat your shoulder."

"It isn't always about you, Kaia."

"And I'm not going to follow you around like a dog, George."

"Of course not but you can't expect me to be there for you twenty-four-seven and hold your hand when you wake up crying from a nightmare about your dead mother—" he shut his mouth and his face lost its colour when he realized the words he had said.

The tears welled up in my eyes but I bit my lip to keep them in. I nodded in agreement, maybe he was right. Maybe I was overreacting but if this was what it was like to be in a relationship than maybe it wasn't what I wanted.

I turned around, ready to leave when George grabbed my hand to turn me around.


"What?!" I snapped as I turned around. I wiped the escaped tear from my cheek and grabbed my wand firmly in my hand.

"Want to remind me of the psycho serial killer dad I have as well? Go ahead, I'm done anyways."

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever we had going on, it's over."

"You're breaking up with me?"

"Yes, we're done. Understand? Or do you need me to spell it out loud?" I spat and turned around again.

"Fine, leave then. Don't expect me to be there when you come back and need me."

"I don't need you, George. I'm better off alone and it's sad I've only just realized that." I shouted and without looking back ran away.

As I turned around the corner I apparated away. I just couldn't be at Hogwarts for a while. The first place that popped into my mind was Bulgaria. I stood in front of my old house that now belonged to uncle Hector and Viktor.

A soft knock on the door was heard and not long after I met the dark brown eyes of my uncle. I broke into sobs and wrapped myself into uncle Hector's arms. All I really needed was a hug.


"We're both in the wrong-" I sighed
Uncle Hector wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we leaned back into the couch.

"You're always welcome here, you know that right?"

I gave him a slow nod as I wiped the tears from my cheeks "How's everything?"

Uncle Hector smiled from ear to ear "Our annual camping trip is coming up next week!"

I grinned thinking about the many camping trips I had been on with Viktor, uncle Hector and one of my other cousins; Sam. I guess that made me quite tough hanging around with men only. I loved how men were so different from women though I had always missed a girl's company of my own age. Now that I had become very close friends with Angelina I realized how different it is to have girls as friends instead of guys. Girls talked way more about their feelings than guys did, we could talk about things I never even dared to talk about with guys.

"Remember that time when Viktor and I got lost in the pitch black forest at night?" I chuckled thinking about the memory.

Uncle Hector nodded letting out some deep chuckles "When I found you two Viktor was rocking back and forth on the ground crying to himself while you were trying to make yourself some dinner using a squirrel you killed with your bear hands. Good times."

I snapped my head to the side when I saw Viktor laughing im the doorway "Now do you get why you come off pretty scary?"

I rolled my eyes "At least I wasn't crying like a little baby!"

Viktor mirrored my eye rolling and embraced me in his big arms. I told him what happened but instantly regretted it when he kept repeating how he was going to kill George.

We spent the rest of the day talking, laughing and bringing back memories. For a split second I forgot all my worries enjoying the company of people I loved.

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now