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"George, can you hand me those candles?" I peeked over my shoulder as I was setting up the Christmas tree with George and Viktor. Viktor and uncle Hector had arrived only days before, they were going to spent Christmas with us at the burrows. 

"Here you go." George gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled and stood on my toes to reach the upper part of the tree. I was way too small but wouldn't give up easily. 

I struggled for a few minutes and realised Viktor and George had bursted out in laughter as they gawked at me. I groaned "Stop that." 

Viktor walked over to me now laughing even harder, he grabbed the candles from my hands "I'll show you how it's done."

I shook my head "No, I can do it. Now, give them back!"

I tried pulling the candles from his hands but it ended up in us pulling back and forth and the candles ended up on the floor. George quickly picked them up.

"Hey!" Viktor and I said in unison before the three of us bursted out in laughter.

After a few hours other guests had arrived to share Christmas Eve with us. Ginny had come back for the holidays, Tonks and Remus had come; Tonks her belly was like it was about to rip open. I couldn't wait to meet their little baby. Bill and Fleur were there too, looking just as in love as always and lastly Charlie had come. I had never met the guy so was pretty excited to hear about his adventures in Romania. He had encountered so many different dragons, obviously because he studied them but still dragons were quite rare.

We sat in the living room chattering loudly and enjoying some snacks when we heard a sudden loud knock on the door. I jumped up and opened the door. 

"Julio!" I squealed in excitement before hugging him "It's so nice to see you again. How- Why-" 

"George invited me." 

I looked back at George with a wide smile on my face, this was exactly one of the reasons why I loved the guy. 

Being together made us thankful but still we were worried sick about those we couldn't be there. We were almost complete, if only Harry, Ron and Hermione were with us. 

The sun was setting and the moon got clearer. Suddenly I jumped up in excitement, snow was falling. The others asked what was wrong but I ignored them and ran outside jumping up and down in the first real snow we had gotten that winter. 

It didn't take long for the others to follow. Together we watched the snow crystals falling from the sky. An almost perfect moment.


[George's POV]

I woke up with Kaia laying in my arms, like my own little heat pad. She was wearing one of my big jumpers which she looked good in; way better than I did. 

I laid there thinking how happy Kaia had been during the holidays, Kaia being happy meant I was even happier. She deserved to laugh and smile like that. 

The holidays passed like a flash and the new year had begun. 

"Georgie, Blackie! Get up, sleepy heads. Get ready for the next Potterwatch broadcast." Fred slammed his hands on the door. 

Kaia groaned loudly while throwing a pillow at the door. I laughed before kissing her on the head "Good morning, beautiful." Kaia smiled and rested her head on my chest wrapping her arms around me as well.

Fred knocked again and this time it felt like the entire room was shaking.

"Is he trying to break the door or something? I swear it, I'm going to kill the guy!" Kaia groaned burying her face in my chest.

"That makes two of us." I chuckled. 

Kaia giggled and sat up. Her hair looking messy yet awfully beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her beauty, I was lucky to have her.

"What?" she asked but I remained silent. She shook her head and laughed "I love you." 

Before she could stand up I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. Before my lips met hers I whispered "I love you too."

Even though the months had been nothing but worry and slouching around the house, this was one of the things that I never got bored of. Sleeping in with her by my side, my own little head pad.

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