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[George's POV]

Two weeks had passed ever since they had taken Kaia with them. She saved my life and in return they caught her as their betrayer. I feared the worst but refused to lose hope. 

I walked into the dining room "Still nothing?" I asked the others as they had just returned from their hundredth search. Now that they knew the truth about Kaia they helped me with searching for her but it remained unsuccessful. 

Mom handed me a cup of coffee. She squeezed my arm before turning to prepare some drinks for the others. 

"I still can't believe she'd let us hate her- just so we wouldn't be in danger." 

"She loves us, that's what you do for the people you love." 

"She was one of the bravest witches I know." 

I turned to Remus "Is! She is one of the bravest witches. She's still alive- I just know it!"


"Two weeks have passed and still no sign of her. We know she's been taken by the death eaters to Voldemort, that can only mean one thing-"

"No! I'm not giving up on her!"

"We aren't giving up on her but isn't that what were all thinking?"

"Well it sounds like you have given up on her!"

I stormed out of the house in need of some fresh air. 

Where are you, Kaia? Please, come back!

[Kaia's POV]

I was shaking on the cold hard ground. Everything hurt as I had been tortured continuously. Everyday it got worse and worse, my wounds didn't have time to heal properly. Besides that I wasn't getting any food nor water. 

The door opened and I assumed it to be Bellatrix but instead a certain blonde walked in. It looked like he tried to be extra quiet as if he didn't want to be caught. He kneeled down next to me and got a bottle of water from under his robe. He opened it up and helped me to drink some of it. I tried to catch my breath after having drank almost the entire bottle. 

"Hide it." Ethan said giving me the bottle with what was left in it. 

I gave him a nod. 

He grabbed something else from under his robe; a piece of bread. He gave it to me. 

"Thank you." I said, my breaths heavy and uncontrollable. My voice sounded weak, sore and hoarse. Screaming all day long ruined my vocal cords. 

I watched as Ethan left the dungeon. I started nibbling some of the bread. After some time I had stopped feeling hungry but that moment I realised how much I needed to eat something. 

I couldn't even think clearly enough to know how long I had been there. I was drained of energy. Honestly I couldn't understand how I was alive still but one thing that got me through it was George. His voice telling me everything was going to be ok. 

I knew I had to get myself through it. I had to see him again; one more time. I wasn't scared to die but I was scared to leave the ones I loved behind. Dying meant seeing my parents again but if only I could see George one more time..


My body was started to shut down. The pain got less and that wasn't exactly a good sign. It sounds like a good thing but trust me when I say it's not. 

"Black! You've got a visitor." Bellatrix excitingly grinned. A tall man stood next to her but my blurry vision was making it unable for me to identify him.

The man stepped closer, his hair was blonde and slicked back. He looked familiar to me but I couldn't put a finger on it.

Bellatrix whispered something in his ear and left the dungeon after that. Meanwhile the man stayed and kneeled down next to me. 

"W-Who are you?" I stuttered looking him directly in the eyes. 

"Alec Yihin." 

Suddenly I remembered him. The vampire that was there the night my mother got killed by the other vampire. 

"Get away from me!" I spat. 

The man stood up straight taking a few steps back. He pulled a bottle of water from under the jacket he was wearing. He reached out to give it to me. 

"I don't want your help!"


"Why did you come here?" 

"I came to tell you why I did what I did." 

I kept quiet. I wanted to hear him tell me the reason even though that would never make it easier to look him in the eyes. 

"At first I'd like to apologise again for not doing anything to safe your mother that night, I'm so very sorry. It wasn't just a coincidence for us to break into your house that night. We were assigned to do so."

My eyes grew bigger "By who?"

"The dark lord."


"I didn't know why at first but later I found out that he wanted to punish your father for going against his will." 

I couldn't believe it. Both of my parents had been killed by Voldemort. All my pain was because of him. I hated him even more which I didn't think was even possible. 

"I know that you will probably never forgive me but- I want to help you." 

I looked up at him, tears were rolling down my cheeks "I hate you for it. You let that man murder my mother in front of my own eyes." I cried "How did you get in here anyways?"

"I heard from some death eaters about your captivity so I told them that I wanted revenge and they seemed more than happy to help me with that. It was easy getting in here," he leaned down "can you walk?" 

I moved away from him. 

"I want to help you escape, Kaia. I'll tell them you managed to fight me off and that you escaped."

"What's in it for you?"

"Nothing," he sighed and looked down "I'll probably be punished or get killed but it doesn't matter!"

I pulled myself up by holding on the chains. With the energy that was left in me I took the few steps towards the door. I stopped and turned to look back at Alec. "I'll never be able to forget about what happened with my mother but- thank you." 

Alec nodded. I walked up the stairs with every power left in me. I grunted softly as I reached the top. I stumbled my way to the front door when suddenly a door opened next to me. Ethan came walking out shocked to find out I had escaped the dungeon. 

"Quickly," he started "leave. Now!" 

I was shocked to hear him say that but did as he said. I looked him in the eyes once more before leaving the mansion. I sneaked out of the alley and made my way into the woods. I escaped. Thank you, Alec and Ethan.

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