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Angelina, Lee and I spent the rest of the week together. Of course we were worried about the Weasleys but we tried to make the best of it. When it was time to go home for Christmas we wished each other a merry Christmas before our ways parted.

After a painfully long train ride in the Hogwarts express I got onto the platform and got crushed into a bonebreaking hug from dad. I looked up at him and smiled widely even though he looked slightly different. His hair was a little longer and the bags under his eyes gave away that he hadn't been sleeping much.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, dad."

Dad tugged a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and kissed me on top of my head. I closed my eyes for a moment and enjoyed the feeling of being reunited with my dad again. I grabbed his hand and together we decided to make a pitstop in the city centre of London.

Because he still was a wanted criminal he wore a disguise that hid his true identity, only I was able to see his true self. We grabbed some dinner in a small restaurant and talked for the rest of the evening.

I told him everything about Hogwarts, Dumbledore's army and the friends I had made. Of course I mentioned the witch Umbridge and how much I disliked her which he couldn't agree more on. I wasn't planning on filling him in on her cruel detention but I did tell him about her taking over the school.

Unlike me dad hadn't done much, he spent most of his time at Grimmauld's place and it made me sad because he deserved some company. He didn't deserve to be alone all the time. As always I asked dad to tell me more about his relationship with mom. It was something he actually enjoyed talking about and I loved hearing their crazy adventures.

After the long talks we apparated into the faintly lit hallway of Grimmauld's place. Dad led me inside and I could already hear the chattering coming from inside. I grinned to myself and even felt slightly nervous to see everyone again.

Once the door opened it didn't take long for my eyes to find George's. I sighed in relief to see him smiling. He jumped up from his seat and pulled me in his embrace. I could feel everyone stare at us but for that moment all I wanted was to be in his arms. He pulled back and without hesitation pressed his lips against mine even though his entire family watched us.

"Wow, that's news to me." Ron muttered and dropped a piece of chicken back on his plate. I grinned and grabbed George's hand. Looking over my shoulder I searched for dad's eyes. He was too busy smirking and seemed to like the thought of us together.

"That explains why George acted the way he did." Ginny giggled and the others nodded in agreement. George furrowed his eyebrows saying "What? How did I act then?"

"Are you serious? You've been overly cheerful all day. Singing and whistling all day." Ginny explained. I giggled and followed George to his seat.

"It's good to finally see you again, Kaia." mrs Weasley pulled me into a bonebreaking hug. I smiled at her saying "Likewise and you too, mr Weasley. I'm glad everything's ok."

Dad had explained what had happened to him. Apparently he was attacked by Voldemort's snake. The bruises and bandages confirmed that story.

Mr Weasley smiled and winked after saying "Thank you, Kaia. I see you haven't been doing too bad yourself."

I instantly blushed and sat down on the empty chair besides George. I felt happiness wash over me as I looked around the room. Being reunited with dad and the others made me happier than I had felt in a long time. For the first time in months I didn't feel guilty about it because I knew mom would want me to be happy.

After hours of chattering and catching up with everyone I felt my eyes getting heavy. I yawned and took it as my cue. I wished everyone a good night and went upstairs, only to be followed by a certain redhead.

I grinned to myself before turning around at the top of the stairs. George smirked and it didn't take long for his lips to find mine. I couldn't help but giggle at his impatience and hunger for more. His lips moved down to my neck where he began to plant kisses on my skin.

I squealed when he lifted me up and hung me over his shoulder. I laughed and kicked my legs around as he carried me inside my bedroom. He chuckled and put me down on the bed. He got on top of me and moved his face close to mine. His hand cupped my face and his thumb moved in a slow but soothing motion over my cheek.

"You're amazing, Kaia."

I pulled him down so his lips met mine and tugged on the end of his shirt. I felt him smiling through the kisses and he pulled back. Removing his shirt and revealing his muscular and hard chest. In a swift moment I flipped him over on his back and straddled him. His chest rose and fell in fast movements, he was breathing heavily as he watched my every movement.

I slowly pulled my shirt over my head and revealed the red bra I wore underneath. I felt myself getting slightly nervous as his eyes moved up and down, making me very aware of my state.

"You're incredibly beautiful."

His hands grasped my exposed waist, giving me goosebumps at the feeling of fingers touching my skin. I leaned down and claimed his lips, kissing him hungrily and passionately.

I nearly fell off the bed when I heard a sudden knock on the door. I climbed off the bed and looked questionable at George.

"Blackie, you better open up!" I heard Fred calling on the other side of the door. George groaned and got off the bed. He handed me my shirt and put on his own. I quickly made myself presentable before George opened the door.

Fred stood in the doorway with the biggest smirk on his face as he flickered his eyes between me and George.

"I come bearing gifts."

George pulled something from Fred's hand and sighed.

"I thought you two were too tired—" before Fred could finish his sentence George slammed the door shut. I giggled and George rolled his eyes in annoyance of his brother. He handed me a small envelope and sat down next to me on the bed.

"It's from Viktor!" I ripped the envelope open and pulled a small piece of parchment out of it. I read the letter as fast as possible and a smile grew on my face as I finished reading. "He's coming! He's coming for Christmas!"

"That's awesome, when is he coming?"

I bit my lip in doubt and read the letter again. I shrugged saying "It doesn't say when he's coming."

"I can't wait to meet him."

I smiled and rested my head against George's shoulder.

"He did mention he'd kill any boy who touches me.." I said. George's face lost all of its colour in an instant. I chuckled "I'm kidding you'll be fine."

He let out a breath of relief and dropped on his back. I grinned to myself and laid besides George. Staring at the ceiling everything felt perfect. I rested my head on George's chest and smiled feeling content with everything. Viktor was coming, things were going great with George and I finally had a relationship with my father. Everything was going perfect.

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now