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I was awoken by the chirping of birds outside. I fluttered my eyes open and felt one heavy arm securely wrapped around my waist. It took me a moment to realize it was George. My back was pressed against his chest and I could feel it rising and falling with his slow breaths.

I smiled to myself and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I could hear Lee snoring loudly, giving away that I was probably the only one awake. Even though I wouldn't have mind to stay in the position I was in, I carefully wiggled myself out of his arms and climbed to my feet.

I took a moment for myself and leaned against the opened window. I glanced outside and admired the snow covered grounds. For a moment everything felt perfect but it only lasted for a brief moment. Guilt washed over me as I thought about my mother. I knew it was wrong to feel guilty about being happy without her but I couldn't help myself.

I hated not having the opportunity to tell her all about my friends and George. It was moments like these I missed her the most. I wanted to share my happiness with her. I wished she looked down on me with pride. I feared to ever let her down or disappoint her even though she wasn't there anymore. She wasn't coming back and I had to live with that.

I sat down on a bench in the courtyard and stared down at the sealed letters in my hands. One of them I got from my father. I smiled and opened it quickly. His neat handwriting always surprised me, my handwriting was an utter mess compared to his. He wrote about how he couldn't wait to see me with Christmas and honestly I could barely wait myself. I was dying to spent more time with dad.

The second letter was from my best friend and cousin Viktor. Uncle Hector, his father had written down some words in it as well.


Cкъпа Kaia, (Dear Kaia)

How is our beautiful Kaia doing?
Is England getting boring already?
I bet you miss us ;)

You're not missing out on anything here though apart from Viktor who is trying his best to get better at English for you!

Stay safe, Kaia.
Don't get into too much trouble but I bet you won't now that Viktor isn't around you.

I hope to see you soon. :)

обичам и ти липсваш! (Love and miss you!)

-Uncle Hec



I try write English for you only,
you very special to me.

How are you? What is your father like?

I been thinking about you Kai, I miss you but I know it's for the best. It's very boring without you,
I wish I see you.

I been practicing many for Quidditch but I miss my biggest supporter. I promise to visit with Christmas alone or with dad.

Everyone love you at hogwarts right?

Ps. I kill every boy who touch you! No kidding.

I love you, Kai. See you soon.

-братовчед ти (your cousin)


I was shocked to find out how good their English was and it made me miss them even more knowing they wanted to learn English especially for me. I smiled thinking about them but I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I missed them a lot and it was weird not seeing them for so long when I used to see them nearly every day. I used to spent most of my time at their house with mom.

I took a deep breath and shook off the tears. I would hopefully see them with Christmas as they promised to try and visit.

I grabbed ahold of the last letter and got slightly confused as I read whom sent it.

"Alec Yihin?"

I ripped the envelope open and unfolded the letter. Quickly I put the pieces together and realized who the man was, better to say, I figured out who the monster was.


Kaia Black,

I have thought a lot about writing you but I never got enough courage to do so until this very moment.

Your probably wondering who I am, my name is Alec Yihin. I was there, the night of your mother's murder.

I know you know who I am and you'll probably rip this letter apart after you've read it and hate me even more but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am of what happened that night. I should've stopped him but fear had gotten the best of me, it had absorbed me completely.

I am not asking for your forgiveness and I'll probably never get that but I am just writing you as a way of paying my respect as I am very sorry for your loss.

I will never be able to forget it which is probably my way of paying for participating in taking the life of an innocent person.

I wish you all the best Kaia Black, may you find your peace.

-Alec Yihin


For a moment all I could do was stare down at the words. Tears had escaped my eyes and fell down on the ink. I crumbled the letter in a ball and threw it on the pavement.

I took my wand out and aimed it at the ball of parchment. "Incendio!" I shouted and the letter lit up in flames, a fire sizzling as the letter burned into ashes.


I ducked behind the wall and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation going on inside the living room. I could hear uncle Hector's stern voice and someone else's, someone from the ministry.

"Have they confessed what their reason was to killing my sister?" asked uncle Hector.

The unknown man from the ministry cleared his throat before speaking "No, they refuse to tell us anything. But we do know that it wasn't just a random house they walked into. They had planned to kill Tamara Krum."

I could hear uncle Hector pacing around the room, his heavy footsteps making the wooden floor creak beneath his feet. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and kept listening to their conversation.

"What are their names?"

"The vampire that murdered her is called Leonard Crown. The vampire that trapped her daughter is called Alec Yihin."

"How do I know they won't hurt my niece?"

"Kaia will be safe, they'll be spending the rest of their lives in Azkaban."


Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now