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  I slowly got used to the idea of being with all these new people. The Weasleys were awfully welcoming and I could confidently say they were going to become like family to me. Especially the twins were growing on me, they could make me laugh which was all I needed really. My dad and I talked a lot, making up for lost time. He told me about his adventures when he was young and his self taught skill of Animagi. He was different than I expected him to be, there was so much more to him than what the papers told. Remus and Tonks had become friends of me too. They had so many interesting traits and stories to tell. I could relate to both of them a lot. Lastly but not least there was Harry. Him being my father's godson made me feel connected to him in a way. We were getting on well and he was easy to talk with about things I couldn't talk about with others.

  Today it was time to board the Hogwarts Express. After I said goodbye to Remus, Tonks, dad and telling them I'd sent them a letter every week, I searched for the Weasley twins in the train. Being quite short wasn't easy if it came to walking through crowds of energetic teenagers. People were looking at me skeptically, me being the new kid. I pushed myself through the compartments and was about to give up the search and just sit down randomly when I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around and sighed in relief seeing George's brown eyes.

  "I thought I'd never find you guys, I can't see anything with all these tall people." I mumbled. George chuckled and slid his hand into mine. I felt a tingling sensation at his touch and smiled looking at George's tall back as he led me through the compartments. I was still too busy staring at his broad shoulders when I realized we had arrived at their seats.

  A girl with beautiful dark brown eyes and a darker skin tone sat next to Fred. Her hair was sleek and wavy. She was obviously stunning but she looked at me suspiciously. Opposite of her sat another guy around my age. He had a darker skin tone and a very bright toothy smile. A cheerful vibe radiated from him, making me feel welcome. Breaking the staring contest George spoke up saying "Guys, this is Kaia Black."

  "Hey, I'm Lee." the guy shook my hand enthusiastically. I smiled and then turned towards the girl whom still looked quite skeptical. I stretched my hand out and was relieved when she took it. "Wait, Black as in— Sirius Black?" she asked.

  "Angelina!" George and Fred warned in unison. George scratched the back of his neck and looked at me apologetically. I grinned and nodded.

  "Exactly, he's my father." I said proudly, I wasn't going to be ashamed or scared to say it out loud, especially not after getting to know him more. Both Lee and Angelina seemed somewhat shocked but Fred and George glared at them, warning them not to be rude. I grinned and sat down next to George.

  "Sorry, no offense but I don't know how to feel about it." Angelina admitted. I looked down at the ground, even though I wanted to be confident and not care about others it stung a little.

  "Seriously? Her dad's innocent and besides, she can't do anything about it. Just treat her like any other." George defended. I looked up, meeting his eyes and smiled weakly.

  "You're right. Ang, we don't even know her. Let's not judge a book by its cover." Lee said and grinned looking at me.

  "Wow, I've never heard you say anything so intellectual." Fred chuckled. Lee rolled his eyes and slightly pushed Fred's shoulder.

  Angelina sighed and licked her lips before saying "You're right, I'm sorry, I just don't like meeting new people." Angelina said and smiled apologetically at me.

  "It's fine, I understand." I said smilingly and leaned back into my seat feeling a little more at ease.

  "Anyways, you'll never guess who's coming to teach at Hogwarts." Fred muttered with a grimace.

  "Who?" Lee asked, sitting on the edge of his seat and resting his elbows on his thighs.

  "That toad of an Umbridge."

  "That woman dressed in pink that works for the ministry?" Angelina asked. Both George and Fred nodded. "Seriously, this year's going to suck." Angelina huffed.

  "She was the reason why I almost couldn't come to Hogwarts. If it wasn't because of Dumbledore I probably would be on my way back to Bulgaria right now. Just because I'm Sirius' daughter, a serial killer." I admitted sadly. The others looked at me with wide eyes but the twins didn't like it as much.

  "Great, now I hate her even more." George muttered and Fred nodded in agreement but said "We won't let this pink toad ruin our senior year, agreed?"

  I smiled and nodded with the rest of them. They were right and I was going to enjoy spending time at Hogwarts as much as I could. With the idea of both of my parents attending Hogwarts years ago I loved the idea of being there.


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