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[Kaia's POV]

I woke up in the pile of hay; also know as my bed. I had been staying in a small shed in the middle of nowhere. Cold and small but definitely better than sleeping outside. 

I stretched my arms out as I stood up. 

I changed into my freshly bought expensive looking robes. Black of course. 

I swung my wand around and mumbled the incantation changing me into my disguise. Blonde long hair, the opposite of my normal brown freshly cut hair. My eyes were now an icy blue colour and my facial features were slightly changed as well making me look like an entirely different person. 

After trying to mentally prepare myself for what was about to happen I apparated into Knockturn alley. 

Remus had told me about some hidden pub a lot of death eaters always hung out at. I walked to the exact spot and tapped my wand on the stone brick wall.

"Dawdle draught."

A tall black door appeared in the wall. I took a deep breath before entering. I straightened my posture to look more confident. 

A dozen eyes were turned to me as I walked into the pub. Lights were dimmed making it hard to identify the ones sitting at the bar and the tables spread across the room.

My heels were heard on the wooden floor board as I made my way towards the bar. I sat on a stool next to a blonde guy looking awfully familiar. 

"One fire whiskey, please." I told the bald bartender, he simply nodded and started preparing my drink. 

"Already drinking this early in the morning?" 

I turned to the source of the voice. The blonde guy next to me smirked up and down at me. His brown eyes were intensely dark. 

"I like starting the day strong."

He grinned and reached his hand out to meet mine. He shook my hand strongly "Ethan Malfoy." 

Malfoy? I was slightly confused to find out there were other Malfoys other than Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa and his son Draco. But that explained how he looked familiar to me. 

"Raven Atwood." I said not wanting to tell him my real name. 

He leaned his elbows on the bar and watched me as I took a sip of the drink placed in front of me. 

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" 

"I just moved here from the states, a friend told me about this place."

"From the states? Your accent tells me differently."

I cocked my head to the side "I was raised in Bulgaria." 

"Interesting. What made you decide to come to England?" 

I was surprised at how genuinely interested he sounded very different from the normal death eaters who only cared about themselves. 

"Let's just say I have a particular interest in the 'other side'. My plans fit more in line with the dark lord." 

He had a look on his face that I couldn't describe, he leaned closer his lips almost touching my ear "You have come to the right place, miss Atwood." he whispered sending shivers down my spine. 

I looked down at the dark mark he showed me from under the counter. I smirked at him trying to look intrigued by him even though only seeing the dark mark made my blood boil. 

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now