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We were back at Hogwarts, being back didn't just mean I was reunited with my friends but it also meant Umbridge getting on my nerves. Even though she hadn't given me as much detention she did give me these deadly stares which gave me the shivers. We were all very much surprised by me actually having time to spent with my friends instead of having to spent time in Umbridge her pink office.

Maybe she had gotten bored with me. Harry on the other hand still spent many hours with the pink toad. I watched him leave the common room alone several times, heading for her office. I knew what he went through and that made it even harder not to give Umbridge a piece of my mind.

The twins were busy with their future joke shop. It was great to see them working on something they both loved with a passion. Things were going great for all of us and I felt terrible for not feeling happy about it. For some reason I felt unlike myself and uncomfortable. It wasn't until I made a new friend that I smiled widely again.

I was doing some reading for charms class when something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. Hermione was leaning down, whispering something in Harry's ear. The suspicion radiated from the two. So when they left the room in a hurry I decided to follow them.

The day had been awfully boring so I took it as a chance to get some action. They had been sneaking out so much lately and I couldn't wait any longer, I had to know what they were up to. Partly because I was concerned for Harry but mostly because the curiosity got the best of me.

"Where are you going?" asked George when I got up from the couch. I nearly jumped hearing him speak up to me for the first time all day.

"Library," I replied quickly. George merely nodded and almost instantly continued talking with Fred. I rolled my eyes and dropped my book on the couch before running after Harry and Hermione.

I snuck after them through the corridors and didn't seem to notice me at all. I grinned to myself for them being completely oblivious to my presence. It wasn't until we got to the edge of the forbidden forest that I got actual concerned about what they were up to.

I clutched my arms to my chest as I felt a cold breeze pass me. I checked my pocket to make sure I had my wand in reach. The forbidden forest didn't just get its name for no reason, it was dangerous and many deadly creatures wandered through the trees.

We had been walking for about twenty minutes when they halted in their tracks. I hid behind a tree and watched with wide eyes. A gigantic creature appeared from behind a tree. It must have been around sixteen feet tall, I had never seen a giant like that before.

My gasp made them turn around in a flash and aim their wands at me. I smiled sheepishly when they sighed in relief to see it was only me.

"Kaia?" they said in unison.

"What are you doing here?" added Hermione.

"Me? I could ask you two the same. It's really dangerous for you two to come out her at night."

Harry and Hermione shared a look before bursting out in laughter like I had just said the craziest thing ever. I raised my eyebrows in question and asked "What? What's so funny?"

"It's just ironic to hear you saying something is dangerous when this would be something you would do." Harry chuckled. I had to admit, they were right. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a giggle from leaving my mouth.

I stepped closer and squinted my eyes as the giant laid eyes on me. Two gloomy eyes stared down at me but innocently. He looked harmless to say the least.

"Who's this?"

"Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother. Hagrid has asked us to keep him company while he's gone."

My lips curled into an o shape as I walked towards Grawp. I tried to smile kindly but Grawp kept looking at me with question. I stepped even closer.

"Careful—" Hermione began.

"As if she would listen." chuckled Harry.

"Grawp, I'm Kaia. It's nice to meet—" but I was cut off as Grawp wrapped his big fingers around my body and picked me up. I inhaled sharply but wasn't surprised when all he wanted to do was play. He placed me on his shoulder and smiled ever so innocently. I giggled and held onto his shoulder for safety.

Harry and Hermione didn't even look surprised at my craziness and merely had a sly smile on each of their faces.

Grawp showed me all of his toys and I kept him company for the rest of the night with Harry and Hermione.

When I got too tired I headed back to the castle with them both. I came running into the common room to tell the twins what had happened. But when I got to George he seemed to busy and distracted.

"George, you'll never know what just—"

"I don't have time right now, we're going to scare filch. I'll see you later." George spoke in a hurry and barely looked me in the eyes. I forced a smile and nodded.

But even though the lack of his attention made me feel slightly less happy I didn't let it ruin my mood. Having met Grawp was the best thing that happened ever since we came back to Hogwarts. I was sure I was going to visit him again. At least he actually looked me in the eyes, even if he didn't talk. It was better than nothing.

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now