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  That morning I was awoken by pots and pans crashing on the floor downstairs. I shot up in bed and took a few seconds to realize where I even was. I twisted my head around the room and sighed, remembering I wasn't at home anymore and everything had changed.

  I jumped in the shower and changed into clean muggle clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed once again. I must've lost several pounds because I was looking skinnier everyday. My bones were showing and my clothes were becoming way too baggy. I placed the simple silver necklace around my neck and forced a smile on my face. Faking my happiness wasn't my best skill.

I strolled down the stairs and entered the dining area. Everyone was already seated at the table and enjoying their breakfast.

"Good morning, dear." Mrs Weasley nearly sang once she saw me. I smiled at her and silently sat at end of the table, next to the Weasley twins. They smirked at my arrival and were about to talk to me when my eyes wandered to the other side of the room.

There he stood, glancing at me with his clear grey eyes. I got goosebumps seeing him, I still had to remind myself I actually had a father. I couldn't understand why it took so long for me to find out but I was going to give him a chance. I had to know my father, I wanted to. A small smile appeared on my face and he perked up at the sight of it like he hadn't expected it at all. When he returned the smile I felt warm inside even just for a split second but it felt amazing.

"What house will you be in at Hogwarts?" Fred asked from the other side of the table. I looked up and raised my eyebrows. "I'll be living in the castle."

Fred chuckled but scowled when George seemed to kick him from underneath the table. I was unsure of what they meant until George explained it "What the git meant to ask is, what Hogwarts house will you be in? So, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw."

I made an o shape with my mind and felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I looked down at my plate. That's when I remembered Dumbledore sorting me into the house right before we arrived at Grimmauld's place. The hat wouldn't stop contemplating about his decision but when he finally made it he screamed in my ear and I nearly fell onto the floor.

"I was sorted into Gryffindor, what about you guys?" I asked and took a bite of some scrambled eggs.

"Wicked! We're in Gryffindor too." George stated enthusiastically. Fred had a mischievous smirk on his face, looking at his twin brother but once again earned another kick from underneath the table. I grinned to myself and finished breakfast listening to the both of them bickering.

I found myself a spot on the couch and tried to get some reading done. But I was far from my normal focused self. It was frustrating how everything changed and I had no choice in it whatsoever. I tried to focus on the letters but nothing made sense and the lack of sleep wasn't helping much too. I groaned and threw the book on the ground.

"Hey! What has the book ever done to you?" Remus asked, chuckling. I let out a breathy laugh and got up to pick up my book.

"I just can't focus." I mumbled and plopped back on the couch. Remus sat besides me and sighed knowingly "I know how that feels."

I turned towards him and raised my eyebrows as if asking him the story behind it. He grinned and folded his arms together.

"It always starts the day before a full moon. I can't focus on anything but that. Of course I have medication for it but—"

"You're a werewolf?" I blurted out. He smirked and nodded saying "You figured that out quite fast."

"Anything magical creature related has my interest. I've always wanted to know more about them ever since I was little."

"That doesn't surprise since I heard about your secret talent." Remus said, smirking even wider. I knew exactly what he referred but I wasn't sure how he knew.

"You should talk to Tonks more often, she shares your talent." Remus exclaimed. My eyes widened in surprise. I had never met another Metamorphmagus but I was already excited to talk to her about it. Remus smirked at me expectantly and leaned back in the couch. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the couch.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before transforming in my favorite appearance. Remus gasped and raised from the couch as he studied my appearance. I stepped forwards and roared loudly. My lioness form had always been a favorite of mine. I changed back into my human form and grinned seeing some other people had watched me turn including the Weasley twins and dad.

"Wicked!" George and Fred said in unison. I smiled and sat back down on the couch.

"I've never seen a metamorphmagus take a full animal form. Tons can't even do this, she can only change her appearance."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Remus weirdly "Really? I've been able to do it since I was little. I randomly changed into a cat every once in a while, mom went ballistic."

Everyone chuckled in amazement. I nervously smiled and cautiously watched as my father sat down on the chair next to me. Remus cleared his throat and signed the twins to follow him out. Part of me was thankful for it and another part of me was anxious to be alone with him.

"I remember when we found out about it. On your first birthday we peeked into your bed and saw you sleeping peacefully but—" dad grinned to himself as if remembering it clear as day.

"The left side of your hair was turning purple and the right side was a bright blue color. Your mother instantly freaked out but I knew what was happening and I couldn't be prouder."

  I fiddled nervously with the hem of my shirt, nervous to meet his eyes, nervous to ask the questions.

  "Why didn't you come looking for me?" I mumbled quietly before finally having the gut to face him. He seemed unsure of what to answer but he looked understandable.

  He took a deep breath and leaned closer, looking me deeper in the eyes. They were kind and told a long story. He wasn't anything like the criminal people portrayed him as. It was crazy to say but I felt at ease around him.

  "I've always wanted to see you, it was too dangerous. After I escaped Azkaban there was no way for me to contact you without risking you or your mom's life."

  "Why? Why not even a letter? I've waited seventeen years!" I stated angrily and jumped up. He jumped up as well and placed his hand gently on my shoulder as my back faced him. I covered my face with the palm of my hand to hide the escaping tears.

  "You have every right to be upset, all I can do now is apologize and tell you that not a day went by without me thinking about you constantly. I love you, Kaia, you're my daughter."

  I turned around and without thinking twice stepped in his embrace. I needed his comfort, I needed him to hug me, I needed my father and it felt good to be able to do so.

Kaia Black Where stories live. Discover now