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I sat in the empty classroom, proud of myself for being early for once. A couple of my classmates came in, sitting in their seats and talking to each other.

Sometimes I don't understand the point in having friends, they are great at first, but in the end they will leave you. That sounds really sad, but it's just the truth, we all grow up some day.

Today I was in a good mood. Although this wasn't rare, it wasn't normal either, my moods tend to change and escalate easily.

When the teacher came in, she sat at her desk quietly until the majority of the class arrived.
"We are going to change the seating plan" she told us, clapping her hands together and smiling.

I heard groans, obviously some people would prefer not to move, but I didn't mind. I looked around at my classmates as they stood, waiting to be seated.

There is the mean girls, always gossiping. There is the nerds, full of knowledge that they could easily use against you. Lastly, there is BTS, the hot boys of our class, who were often misbehaving.

Then there was me, the 'weird girl'. They didn't know about my life and weren't interested in me other than giving me a label. They gave me the label based on the fact that I had no friends, and my mood swings of course.

Mrs Forest called out our names, pointing at chairs for us all. The tables were laid out in pairs, meaning someone would be stuck with me. Last time I was sat next to Gigi, who is really smart. She didn't talk to me, well at first she did but then she got fed up.

"Y/n" she said, pointing at a seat near the back. I sat down and placed my bag beside me on the floor.
"Jimin" she said, directing him next to me. I looked down when he approached. He was part of BTS, and clearly had no time for nobodies like me.

We didn't talk for the entire first lesson, but I was okay with it. He was busy laughing at Jungkook, who got put next to Gigi. Gigi is basically in love with him, even though Jungkook and Tae were dating.

I walked out at break and went up to the roof. I sat on a bench looking at the view for a while. I ate some snacks that I found in my bag, wasting time until I had to go back to class.

Then I heard the door opening and voices following. I stayed sitting there, thinking that they could just ignore me. It was BTS who had came onto the roof. They laughed and joked around.

I started getting up to leave, I would be early to class, but I couldn't stand all their noise. I got to the door when I heard,
"Hey, y/n, isn't it?"

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