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"At lunch meet me on the roof, please" Jimin whispered beside me.
"Fine" I said, writing down notes from the Board.

After a very long maths lesson, lunch finally came. I slowly made my way to the roof.
"Why are you walking so slow?" Asked Jin behind me, he's from BTS too. I ignored his comment and kept going at the same pace.

"Ok" he said before picking me and and running the rest of the way.
"Put me down" I screamed, fidgeting and kicking. When we got to the roof he finally let go of me and I stepped back, away from him.
"Don't go picking up random people" I scolded him.

He smirked,
"Who doesn't want to be picked up by me?" He joked. I rolled my eyes and went to find Jimin.

I didn't have to look far to find him. He and the rest of BTS, including now Jin, were in the corner. I stood at a distance for a while before going to sit on my bench.

I was just going to wait for Jimin to come to me.
"Where is she?" I heard him ask,
"I brought her here like you asked" Jin told him.
"Wait here" Jimin said.

I saw him coming over and got up.
"Y/n" he smiled, holding out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me over to his friends.
"Guys, this is y/n" he told them.

"This is: Suga, RM, J-hope, Jin, Jungkook and Tae" he said. I smiled at them and most of them smiled back.
"I'm giving them each the chance to get to know you tomorrow" he told me.
"What?" I asked.
"Come to my house, please" he pleaded,
"Okay" I said.

The bell rang and we all rushed to get to the classroom.
"You go in first y/n" Jungkook said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we are late and it would look weird if we all walked in together" Tae explained. I nodded and went in. 5 minutes later they did too.
"Late" Mrs Forest Said, looking at them for an explanation.

"We lost track of time" RM told her. She nodded in response and carried on teaching.

1 hour later I was finally free of school for the weekend.
"Do you know the way to my house?" Jimin asked, walking with me.
"Text me the address and I'll find it" i assured him.
"You know where it is" he said.
"But not how to get there" I replied. He sighed,
"Alright, I'll text it to you" he said.

"See you there at 10am" he winked leaving me to walk alone.

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