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"I know this is going to sound bad, but I read your medical file" he said as we walked to my house.
"I know" I replied. He looked at me but I stayed facing straight ahead.
"What does it mean?" He asked softly. He made it seem as though he was being nice to get information.
"Why do you want to know?" I questioned him.

"I want to be friends" he said. When I didn't respond he started talking about random things until we got to my house.
"Thank you for walking me home" I mumbled, looking up at him once.
"What did you say?" He teased smirking.
"You heard me" I snapped, going up to my house.

"Can I come in?" He asked, pouting. For some reason I couldn't resist,
"Fine" I answered. He smiled widely and jogged up to the door. I unlocked it and let us both in.

"You want something to eat?" I offered.
"What have you got?" He responded, following me into the kitchen.
"In those cupboards" I pointed, showing him where the food was kept. I got some cups out of the cupboard and filled them for us.

"You want anything?" He asked grabbing some crisps.
"No" I replied, giving him his drink. He nodded and went into the living room.

"This is a nice house" he said, wandering around. I watched him, not understanding what he is interested in.
"Can I see your room?" He asked, looking at me. I shrugged and he ran up the stairs, unlike him I had to drag my feet up the stairs to get to the top.
"Which one is it?" He questioned, looking at all the closed doors upstairs. I pointed at mine and sat outside the room.

"Y/n it's really cool" he said, before noticing I wasn't in the room.
"Y/n?" He called. Then he peaked his head out and saw me.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked, giving me a confused look. I shrugged again, waiting for him to lose his patience with me.
"Ok" he responded, shutting the door to my room.

He sat with me outside the door. I looked at him and then at the ground. Why is he sitting with me?

"Are you gonna tell me what it means?" He asked, putting his hand on mine.
"Fine" I said, giving in. I took a moment to think about how to word this, he sat there patiently waiting.

"It's in the name, 'uncontrollable mood swings'. I basically change moods drastically and often" I explained.
"You know what, that's kinda cool" he replied. I raised an eyebrow at him.

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