Hanging on

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I had almost made the jump, I was out of the car now anyways. My hands were the only thing saving me, I was dangling off the edge.

Normally, In the Movies, at this Point the bad guy would come and step on my fingers until I let go, fortunately this isn't the movies. Unfortunately my luck is bad today.

I couldn't hold on much longer so instead of waiting to be rescued, I decided to try and help myself.

There was a ledge to my right, I just had to get to it first. It was small, but it was my only option. I slowly pulled myself along towards it, scraping my arms and legs on the rough cliff as I went.

I reached the ledge and put my foot on it, applying pressure to test its safety. It crumbled a little, however it seemed safe enough. I stood on the ledge although I could feel it breaking beneath me.

All I could do was hope someone would save me before I fell.

"Y/n!" I heard someone shout, they were trying to find me.
"I'm down here" I called back, trembling in fear. I looked up and saw Jin above me on the edge.
"Wait here, I'll text for backup" he told me, not like I had anywhere else to go.

"Hurry" I said when more rocks from my ledge fell.
"They should be here soon" he reassured me.

Jin told me it wasn't safe for him to try and help me up on his own, he needed help. But they took a while to get to us, and by the time they did, I was desperate. My ledge had diminished rapidly in size and that meant my time was almost up.

"Jungkook and Jimin, you two pull her up" Jin told them.
"Shouldn't we call for a rescue team?" J-hope asked nervously.
"They won't get here in time" Jin said, he had seen the speed at which the rocks had fallen beneath my weight and he didn't want to take any chances.

Jungkook and Jimin reached their hands down to me,
"Grab hold" Jimin instructed me. They were out of my reach, but if I jumped I could just get them.

Jimin saw me hesitating,
"We got you, I promise" he reassured me, his eyes meeting mine. I jumped and grabbed each of their wrists as they grabbed mine.

"Now walk up the edge" Jimin said. I did as he told me and was soon safely on top of the cliff.
"Thank you" I told them all just as we saw the rest of the ledge crumble into nothingness.

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