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"Whoever stops drinking first is the loser" Jungkook said, handing round bottles.
"3. 2. 1." Tae counted and then we drank. We were allowed to drink as slowly as we wanted, but the alcohol still burned my throat. I didn't know how long I would last.

Tae choked and had to stop drinking, Jungkook gave him a pitiful look but kept going. I had to put mine down, not only did I need to breathe, but my throat hurt.

"Here" Tae said handing me water to help my throat.
"Thanks" I said, watching Jungkook finish his entire bottle. We gave him a round of applause, but got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Times up" Jimin said, coming into the room.
"Are you guys drunk?" He asked, seeing the bottles on the floor.
"Depends if the floor is actually spinning or not" I replied, placing my hand on the floor to test it.

"You guys did get her drunk" he scolded them.
"She's not the only one" Tae told him, pointing at Jungkook.
"Just bring them downstairs" Jimin said before leaving.
"Aren't you going to help?" Tae shouted after him.

He swore and then dragged Jungkook out of the room,
"Come on, you too y/n" he said. I got up and followed them down the stairs.

Everyone was in the living room talking and waiting for us. Even though there was space on a sofa, I sat on the floor. The carpet was so fluffy and Jungkook noticed too, he sat with me.

"Can she go home like that?" Suga asked, watching me and Jungkook.
"Y/n, can you go home like this?" Jimin questioned me.
"Yeah, my parents aren't home" I told them.
"Is that a good thing?" Jin asked.
"I mean, they won't see her, but then she'll be alone" he explained.

"Y/n when will they be home?" Tae asked. This was like an interrogation.
"I don't know, they've gone missing or something" I replied.
"What do you mean?" RM asked.
"They've vanished" I explained, doing a hand gesture 'poof'.

I saw them exchanging glances.
"Let her stay" Jungkook said, patting my knee.
"Y/n, you wanna stay here?" Jimin asked. I shrugged, distracted by Jungkook who had got up and left.

I followed him into the kitchen, he was eating cookies.
"Don't eat too many" I warned him. He just looked at me before stuffing more cookies into his mouth. I went over to him and took them off him by force.

"Ah, y/n" he groaned, reaching for more. I slapped his hand away and stuck out my tongue at him. We didn't notice the rest of them at the doorway.
"Yep, she's staying" Jimin said, watching me and Jungkook.

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